Slide 1 Hi, I'm Ferdinando Almeida. I'm a Ph.D. student at the Hans Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory, and I'm here today to talk about amino acid digestibility in blood products fed to weanling pigs. Slide 2 This is the outline of this presentation. I'll give a background on the blood product that we're going to be using for this experiment, and discuss some of the materials and methods, show some results, and a little bit of a discussion and some final conclusions. Slide 3 Because of the high nutritional quality of blood products which are produced from the slaughter industry, these products may be used in diets for pigs. However, the quality of blood products may be affected by the processing that is involved when producing these products. Such processes include spray drying, which yields spray dried products. We may also have other types of dryers, such as ring, drum, or disc, which may produce the meal products. And it has been shown that there is variation in pig performance when feeding one or another type of blood products. Slide 4 So in this first diagram, I want to explain how the spray dried blood products are obtained. So, starting from the top left, we have whole blood. That whole blood can be spray dried, and then we have spray dried animal blood or SDAB. We may also take this whole blood and run it through a centrifuge to separate plasma, which is about 55% of whole blood, and also separate into blood cells, which is approximately 45% of whole blood. Now, if we take plasma and spray dry, then we have spray dried plasma protein, or SDPP, and if we take blood cells and spray dry, we have spray dried blood cells, or SDBC. Please get familiar with these abbreviations, as I will be using them throughout the rest of the presentation. Slide 5 Now, to produce blood meal, we start off with whole blood, which can be obtained from avian species, from porcine, and also from bovine species, and this whole blood goes through an accumulation tank, which is followed by a coagulator, a decanter, and then, in the final processes, it goes through a dryer. And as I said in the beginning, this dryer can be a ring dryer, a drum dryer, or a disc dryer. And all these three types of dryers will produce a blood meal at the end. Slide 6 But the problem with the drying process is the Maillard reactions that may occur. And these Maillard reactions, they may decrease the amino acid concentration and also digestibility, but specifically we're concerned about lysine, which is normally the amino acid most affected by heat processing of feed ingredients. The crude protein concentration, however, is relatively constant among feed ingredients that have been heat processed at different degrees of heat, and therefore, we can calculate the lysine:crude protein ratio and use that value to estimate the degree of heat damage in feed ingredients. Slide 7 There is no comparative data on the amino acid digestibility in different blood products fed to weanling pigs, and therefore, the objectives of this experiment were to compare the AID, or apparent ileal digestibility, and the SID, or standardized ileal digestibility, of crude protein and amino acids in spray dried animal blood, spray dried blood cells, spray dried plasma protein, and two sources of blood meal: one from avian species, so avian blood meal, and another one from porcine species, so porcine blood meal. Slide 8 Now for the materials and methods. Slide 9 We used seven weanling barrows with an initial body weight of 11.5 kg. They were surgically equipped with a T-cannula in the distal ileum, and they were allotted to a 7x7 Latin square design with seven diets and seven periods. Slide 10 This table shows the diet composition. And here, in the first column, we have the diet containing spray dried animal blood. That diet contained 9% of casein, and 9% of spray dried animal blood. And we also included some cornstarch, about 34%, lactose at 20%, sugar 15%, and others making up for 13% of the diet. All diets containing the blood products, they contained 9% of the blood product that was used, and also 9% of casein. So we calculated the SID of amino acids and crude protein by the difference procedure. The last diet on the right was a casein diet, which contained 18% of casein. We also formulated a nitrogen-free diet, which was used to determine the basal endogenous losses of crude protein and amino acids. Slide 11 Pigs were fed three times the daily maintenance energy requirement, and as I said before, we calculated AID and SID by the difference procedure as outlined by Fan and Sauer in 1995. Slide 12 Data were analyzed using the mixed procedure of SAS. The model included diet as the fixed effect, pig and period as random effects. And we used LSMeans to calculate means and the PDIFF option to separate the means with an alpha level of 0.05. Slide 13 Now, let's move on to the results. Slide 14 In this first graph, we have the standardized ileal digestibility of crude protein. So, on the Y axis, we have digestibility in percent, and on the X axis, we have the first three bars in orange representing the spray dried products, and the two columns on the right represent the two sources of blood meal: avian blood meal or porcine blood meal. And what we observed here is that the SID of crude protein was not different among the three sources of spray dried blood products. However, the SID of crude protein in the spray dried blood products was greater than the SID of crude protein in the two sources of blood meal, which were not different among themselves. Slide 15 For the SID of lysine, we observed again that there were no differences among spray dried blood products. However, the SID of lysine in the spray dried blood products was greater than the SID of lysine in blood meal. Slide 16 Now for the threonine. We observed a similar pattern as for SID of crude protein and also as for SID of lysine. Slide 17 And again, for tryptophan, we also observed that there were no differences among the spray dried blood products, but the SID of tryptophan in these products was greater than the SID of tryptophan in the two sources of blood meal. Slide 18 Now, moving on to the discussion. Slide 19 First, the SID values for spray dried plasma protein agree with previous data. And we did observe that the SID values for spray dried animal blood were slightly above 100%, and this has been observed previously for blood products as well. And some of this may be explained by the variability in endogenous amino acid losses among diets. Slide 20 We also observed that the digestibility of amino acids and crude protein was greater for the spray dried products versus the blood meal products. And this may be explained by the drying processes, which may cause some heat damage. In this process, Maillard reactions occur, and the Maillard reactions are the condensation of reducing sugars and amino acids or protein, and as I said, lysine is the most affected. And because of these reactions, lysine becomes unavailable to pigs. There is also some protein cross-linkages that are formed during these Maillard reactions, and these cross links may reduce the digestibility of other amino acids. Therefore, from this, we believe that spray drying is a more gentle processing of drying feed ingredients, as it may cause less heat damage. And this is supported by the lysine:crude protein values that we calculated for the spray dried products, which was 9.3, versus 8.6 for blood meal. So this indicates that blood meal is indeed more heat damaged than spray dried products, and this may be the reason why we observed less digestible amino acids for blood meal compared with spray dried products. Slide 21 So we conclude from this experiment that blood products are excellent sources of crude protein and amino acids, spray dried products have SID of crude protein and amino acids that is close to 100%, and blood meal is less digestible than spray dried products. And we also observed that there were no differences among animal sources, so if you have an avian blood meal or a porcine blood meal, we should not see any differences in the digestibility of crude protein and amino acids. Slide 22 I would like to acknowledge Evonik Industries for funding this project. Slide 23 And I thank you all for listening to today's presentation.