Hi, this is Yanhong Liu. Today, I will talk about an experiment to determine the effects of a novel phytase on growth performance and metacarpal bone ash in weanling pigs. First, I will briefly introduce the phytate and phytase, and also show the objective of this experiment. And then I will show the detail about how we conducted this experiment. And then move to the results, and finally I will give an overall conclusion. Why phosphorus is important: Phosphorus is a key structural mineral in bones and teeth, and phosphorus is a component of DNA and RNA. Phosphorus is critical in the structural integrity of all cellular membranes, and it also is very critical in metabolic energy systems. Therefore, a consistent supply of phosphorus is required to support pig production. There are two types of feed ingredients to supply phosphorus in animal feed. The animal origin feed ingredients do not contain any phytate, but a high percentage of phosphorus is bound to phytate in plant origin feed ingredients. Inorganic phosphorus sources are also available in feed market. And these inorganic sources do not contain any phytate. There are two common phosphorus sources used in pig diets, which include monocalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate. So what is phytate? The full name of phytate is myo-inositol hexakisphosphate. Phytate has antinutritional effects because phytate can form a complex with calcium, phosphorus, protein, and trace minerals. Because of this complex, phytate can reduce digestibility of these nutrients. So therefore, they can increase the environmental pollution, such as they can increase the nitrogen excretion and phosphorus excretion. Because of reduced digestibility of nutrients by phytate, there are decreased profitabilities. Phytase is an enzyme to catalyze the hydrolysis of phytate to inositol and inorganic phosphorus. And after the hydrolysis, this inorganic phosphorus can be utilized by animals. There are two different types of phytase in the market. The fungal phytase is from Aspergillus or Peniophera species, and the bacterial phytase is normally from E. coli. So adding phytase in an animal diet can reduce inclusion of inorganic phosphorus and calcium sources in animal feeds, because they can increase the digestibility of calcium and phosphorus. Adding phytase to animal diets also has beneficial effects on the environment, because they can reduce the phosphorus and nitrogen excretion. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of a novel next-generation phytase on growth performance and metacarpal bone ash of weanling pigs. The brand name of this phytase is Cibenza Phytaverse G10. A total of 160 pigs with 35 days of age and initial body weight of around 9.79 kg were used in this experiment. The experiment was conducted with two phases and two weeks for each phase. There were four diets in each phase, based on corn and soybean meal. The first diet was the positive control diet, with the digestible phosphorus met the requirement. The second diet was negative control diet, with 56 to 58% digestible phosphorus compared with positive control diet. The third and fourth diet was negative control plus 250 or 500 FTU/kg Cibenza Phytaverse G10. There were ten replicate pens per treatment, and two barrows and two gilts per pen. This table shows the negative control and positive control diet in phase 1. From this table we can see both negative control diet and positive control diet contained similar amounts of corn and soybean meal. The only difference between negative control and positive control diets was, the negative control diet contained 0.23% monocalcium phosphate, but the positive control diet contained 1.03% monocalcium phosphate. This slide shows the nutritional composition for these two diets. From this table, we can see negative control diet and positive control diet contained similar amount of dry matter and crude protein, but they have different amount of ash, calcium, and phosphorus. So negative control diet contained 4.07% ash, 0.75% calcium, and 0.41% phosphorus. But the positive control diet contained 4.49% ash, 0.82% calcium, and 0.56% phosphorus. The growth performance was checked by calculating the average daily gain, average daily feed intake, and gain:feed ratio. At the end of the experiment two pigs per pen, one barrow and one gilt, were euthanized to collect third and fourth metacarpal bones from the right foot. The bone ash and phosphorus were measured in these bones. All data were analyzed by Proc GLM with completely randomized design. The statistical model included diet as fixed effect and pen as experimental unit. The orthogonal contrasts were conducted to test linear and quadratic effects of graded level of phytase. Move to the results... The first figures show the overall average daily gain. So, first let me set up the slide. The y axis, we have the average daily gain. And the x axis, we have the four dietary treatments. The green bar represents the positive control diet, and light blue represents negative control diet, and light yellow represents 250 FTU/kg phytase, and the orange bar represents 500 FTU/kg phytase. So from this figure we can see, compared with the positive control diet, pigs fed negative control diet had the lower overall average daily gain. And adding phytase to negative control diet linearly increased overall average daily gain. For the overall average daily feed intake, again compared with the positive control, pigs fed negative control diet had lower average daily feed intake, and adding phytase linearly increased the average daily feed intake. Overall gain:feed ratio, compared with the positive control diet, negative control diet reduced the gain:feed ratio. Adding phytase to negative control diet linearly increased the gain:feed ratio of weanling pigs. This slide shows the bone weight. This is the fat free bone weight, so again compared with the positive control diet, pigs fed negative control diet had a lower fat free bone weight. And adding phytase to negative control diet linearly increased the fat free bone weight. And this slide shows the bone ash weight. Again, compared with positive control diet, pigs fed negative control diet had lower bone ash weight, and adding phytase linearly increased the bone ash weight. For the bone phosphorus weight, compared with the positive control diet, pigs fed negative control diet reduced the bone phosphorus weight. And adding phytase to negative control diet linearly increased the bone phosphorus weight. We calculated the bone ash percentage from bone ash weight divided by the fat free bone weight. So this figure shows the percentage. Compared with the positive control, pigs fed negative control diet had lower bone ash percentage, and adding phytase linearly increased the bone ash percentage. For bone phosphorus percentage, again compared with the positive control diet, pigs fed the negative control diet reduced the bone phosphorus percentage, but adding phytase did not affect bone phosphorus percentage. Based on the results shown above, the overall conclusion for this experiment was: this novel phytase supplementation to a phosphorus-deficient diet based on corn and soybean meal improved phosphorus utilization by weanling pigs. Thank you so much for listening to this presentation. If you have any questions related to this experiment, please go to our website. You can find the research summary there, and also you can contact Dr. Stein for more information.