Email: jaibagon@illinois.edu
Jimena Ibagon is a Ph.D. student at the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She earned her B.S. in Animal Science from Universidad Nacional de Colombia and completed a one-year internship in 2018 at South Dakota State University under the guidance of Dr. Tofuko Woyengo. During this internship, she gained extensive experience in laboratory techniques and swine management. In 2020, she joined the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Lab as a visiting scholar, where she conducted animal experiments and lab analyses focusing on the evaluation of alternative feed ingredients and the determination of net energy in swine. Subsequently, in 2021, she enrolled in the master’s program in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois, where her thesis, titled "The nutritional value of field peas from different origins and with different particle sizes fed to growing pigs," was successfully defended in April 2023. Currently, she is a PhD student in the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Lab, and her research focuses on the use of soybean meal in diets of growing pigs and reproducing swine, evaluating the impact of various feeding strategies on nitrogen excretion as well as greenhouse gas emissions from pigs.