Dr. Juliana Almeida is originally from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. She earned her B.S. degree in Veterinary Medicine (2005) from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC), Betim, Brazil. She then went to Goodhue, MN to work at a farrow-to-wean 2,500 sow operation. After gaining practical experience in working with pigs and improving my English skills, she started her M.S. with Dr. Pettigrew in the University of Illinois Department of Animal Sciences in 2006. During her M.S. program, she studied digestibility of amino acids and energy in distillers co-products. This work resulted in two awards, two peer reviewed publications and a few popular press publications as well. In 2009, after earning her M.S. degree, she started her PhD program, during which she mainly focused on beneficial effects of clays in pigs' and chicks' intestinal health. After completing her PhD program, she worked as a postdoc in the Stein lab from 2013-2014. Dr. Almeida now works as an adjunct professor at Missouri Baptist University and Lindenwood University in Missouri.