Email: mcr91@illinois.edu
I am from Lima, Peru. I received my bachelor’s degree from Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Although I have worked with different animal species like llamas, cows, and guinea pigs, I focused on poultry and swine production because these are the most important industries in my country.
After graduation, I worked in San Fernando S. A. in their grandparent broiler farm. I have also had the opportunity to work in Vega Farms which is a layer hens and hatchery company based in California.
While working in the industry I realized the importance of nutrition on the animal performance and overall profitability of a company. Therefore, in 2018 I joined the Dr. Stein nutrition lab as a visiting scholar helping and conducting nutritional experiments with pigs.
In 2022. I obtained my master's degree under Dr. Carl Parsons and started a doctoral program working with Dr. Stein and Dr. Parsons. My graduate research includes nutritional studies with chickens and pigs.
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to work with these distinguished researchers and hope to one day to go back to Peru and contribute to the development of the animal industry.
Nutritional evaluation of fermented soybean meal and fermented full-fat soybeans fed to chickens and pigs.
Nutritional evaluation of a new type of SBM and the effects of low CP diets on net energy and growth performance of chickens and pigs. In progress