2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023
Effects of field peas in diets for nursery pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82:2568-2578.
Effects of field peas in diets for growing finishing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82:2568-2578.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in PorSol.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and R. A. Bohlke.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Aciprol on performance and amino acid digestibility by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Moter, V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1): 391 (Abstr.)
Effects of including PorSol in diets for weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: NA.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in field peas by growing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and R. A. Bohlke.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82:2568-2578.
Energy digestibility of field peas by growing pigs.
Investigators: Benzoni, G., R. A., Bohlke, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82:2568-2578.
The effect of dietary taurine on insulin sensitivity by growing pigs.
Investigators: Spohr, C., J. Clapper, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Camilla Spohr’s MS thesis.
Effects of an in-feed antibiotic on the morphology of the porcine small intestine.
Investigators: Moter, V., D. H. Zeman, M. B. Hildreth, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1): 391 (Abstr.)
The effect of thermal treatment of field peas on nutrient digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and R. A. Bohlke.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85: 85:1424-1431.
Calcium, phosphorus, and amino acid digestibility in low-phytate corn, normal corn, and soybean meal by growing pigs.
Investigators: Bohlke, R. A., R. C. Thaler, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 83:2396-2403.
Effect of feed intake on endogenous losses and amino acid and energy digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Moter, V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82:3518-3525.
Additivity of values for apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in mixed diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Pedersen, A. R. Wirt, and R. A. Bohlke.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 83:2387-2395.
Effects of processing on apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in blood meal.
Investigators: Moter, V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In V. Moter’s PhD dissertation.
Effects of grain sources on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: Animal Biotechnology. 17:217-231.
Dietary fat sources for weanling pigs.
Investigators: Sulabo, R., D. N. Peters, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):53 (Abstr.)
The effects of canola meal and full fat canola on performance of reproducing sows.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., M. R. Smiricky-Tjardes, and D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):17. (Abstr.)
Effects of replacing pharmacological levels of dietary zinc oxide with lower dietary levels of various organic zinc sources for weanling pigs.
Investigators: Hollis, G. R., D. C. Mahan, S. D. Carter, T. D. Crenshaw, G. L. Cromwell, G. M. Hill, S. W. Kim, A. J. Lewis, P. S. Miller, H. H. Stein, and T. L. Veum.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 83:2123-2129.
A novel procedure for measuring endogenous losses and apparent and true digestibility of P in feed phosphates.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 84:2126-2132.
Nucleotides in sow’s colostrum and milk at different stages of lactation.
Investigators: Mateo, C. D, D. N. Peters, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82:1339-1342.
Effects of physiological status and microbial phytase on P-digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Sulabo, R., R. C. Thaler, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82: (Suppl. 2): 82 (Abstr.)
Effects of adding nucleosides to diets for weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mateo, C. D., D. N. Peters, R. I. Dave, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 82: (Suppl. 2): 71 (Abstr.)
Energy and nutrient digestibility in four sources of distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., S. P. Connot, and C. Pedersen.
Publication: Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 22:1016-1025.
Amino acid digestibility in gelatin-based diets by pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., M. R. Smiricky-Tjardes, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed. Sci. Technol. 119:107-115.
Comparison of corn grains from biotech and non-biotech counterparts for grow-finish pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., T. Sauber, D. Rice, M. Hinds, D. N. Peters, G. Dana, and P. Hunst.
Publication: Prof. Anim. Sci. 25:689-694.
Supplemental B-vitamins in pig nursery diets.
Investigators: Mahan, D. C., S. D. Carter, T. R. Cline, G. Hill, S. W. Kim, P. S. Miller, J. L. Nelssen, H. H. Stein, and T. L. Veum.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85:2190-2197.
Comparison of dietary selenium fed to grower-finisher pigs from various regions of the United States on resulting tissue Se and loin mineral concentrations.
Investigators: Mahan, D. C., E. P. Berg, J. H. Brendemuhl, S. D. Carter, L. I. Chiba, T. D. Crenshaw, G. L. Cromwell, C. R. Dove, A. F. Harper, G. M. Hill, G. R. Hollis, S. W. Kim, M. D. Lindemann, C. V. Maxwell, P. S. Miller, J. L. Nelssen, B. T. Richert, G. C. Shurson, L. L. Southern, T. S. Stahley, H. H. Stein, E. van Heughten, and J. T. Yen.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 83:852-857.
Effects of including essential oils in diets for nursery pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., B. Hardy, and R. Simonson.
Publication: NA.
Low crude protein diets and compensatory growth in weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: Animal Biotechnology. 17:217-231.
Relative bio-availability of phosphorus in five feed phosphates by growing pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., M. Lindemann, C. Pedersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89:460-466.
Apparent and true total tract digestibility of phosphorus in field peas.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., M. G. Boersma, and C. Pedersen.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 86:523-525.
Effects of dietary nucleotides on intestinal morphology and microbial activity in newly weaned pigs.
Investigators: Mateo, D. N., R. I. Dave, D. N. Peters, A. Rosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2):39. (Abstr.)
Effects of dietary level of phosphorus on apparent total tract phosphorus digestibility.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Kadzere, S. W. Kim, and P. S. Miller.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 86:1861-1867.
Nutrient digestibility in yeast derived from distillers dried grains.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Pedersen, and M. G. Boersma.
Publication: J. Anim.Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):35 (Abstr.)
Effects of adding B-vitamins to diets for growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Mahan, D. C., S. D. Carter, T. R. Cline, G. Hill, S. W. Kim, P. S. Miller, J. L. Nelssen, H. H. Stein, and T. L. Veum.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85: 2190-2197.
Effect of feeding frequency on energy and amino acid digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Chastanet, F., A. A. Pahm, C. Pedersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 132:94-102.
Performance of nursery pigs fed diets containing intact or hydrolyzed yeast.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of amino acids in ten samples of distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Pedersen, and M. G. Boersma.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 84:853-860.
The effects of dietary barley on pig performance and carcass quality.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., K. Sweeter, R. Maddock, D. M. Wulf, C. Pedersen, and D. N. Peters.
Publication: Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu. 27:102-113.
Site of action of microbial phytase by growing pigs.
Investigators: Geraets, L. L., M. G. Boersma, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):389 (Abstr.)
Factors affecting the efficacy of microbial phytase in diets for gestating sows.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Pedersen, and D. N. Peters.
Publication: NA.
Evaluation of gender and lysine during the nursery period.
Investigators: Hill, G. M., S. K. Baidoo, G. L. Cromwell, D. C. Mahan, J. L. Nelssen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85:1453-1458.
Influence of feed soaking and feed fermentation on amino acid digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Pedersen, C., K. E. Strom, M. G. Boersma, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Livest. Sci. 134:59-61.
Validation of the NCCC-42 Vitamin-Micro Mineral Premix in growing pigs.
Investigators: Crenshaw, T. D., M. D. Lindemann, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):200 (Abstr.)
Factors affecting the variability in ileal amino acid digestibility in corn distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Pahm, A. A., C. Pedersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 86:2180-2189.
Ileal digestibility of amino acids in distillers dried grains with solubles produced from sorghum, corn, or a blend of sorghum and corn and fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., C. Pedersen, H. H. Stein, and G. C. Shurson.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87:2574-2580.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in yeast extract and spray dried plasma protein.
Investigators: Mateo, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 87:381-383.
The influence of dietary field peas (Pisum sativum L.) on pig performance, carcass quality, and the palatability of pork.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., K. Sweeter, A. K. R. Everts, R. J. Maddock, D. M. Wulf, and D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 84:3110-3117.
Digestibility of energy and phosphorus in ten samples of distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Pedersen, C., M. G. Boersma, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85:1168-1176.
Titration of yeast extract in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: NA.
Inclusion rate of phytase in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: McGinnis, L. M., D. N. Peters, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 2):112 (Abstr.)
Development of digestive capacity of pigs during the post-weaning period.
Investigators: Moter, V., M. G. Boersma, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In PhD dissertation by V. Moter.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of AA in NutriDense corn, normal corn, barley, wheat, and sorghum by growing pigs.
Investigators: Pedersen, C, M. G. Boersma, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85: 85:2473-2483.
Digestible and metabolizable energy in NutriDense corn and yellow dent corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Pedersen, C, M. G. Boersma, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85: 85:2473-2483.
Characterization of microbial communities in weanling pigs using 16S rRNA gene sequences.
Investigators: Lindblom, S., S. Vilain, V. S. Brozel, R. K. Kaushik, S. George, H. H. Stein, C. Pedersen, D. Francis, and A. Rosa.
Publication: Abstract presented at 3rd Rushmore Conference on Enteric Diseases, Sep. 29 – Oct. 1, 2005. Rapid City, SD.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in three novel sources of vegetable proteins.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., M. G. Boersma, and C. Pedersen.
Publication: NA.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in hydrolyzed yeast by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Pahm, A. A., M. G. Boersma, C. Pedersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Meta-analysis of the influence of gender, weaning weight, and weaning age on post-weaning pig performance.
Investigators: Jönsson, L. J. M., D. N. Peters, C. Pedersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 2):94 (Abstr.)
Application of the reactive lysine procedure to estimate lysine digestibility in distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Pahm, A. A., C. Pedersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Agric. Food Chem. 56:9441-9446.
Standardized ileal digestibility of reactive lysine in distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Pahm, A. A., C. Pedersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Agric. Food Chem. 57:535-539.
Variability in the apparent ileal and apparent total tract digestibility of energy and in the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids in corn by growing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and M. G. Boersma.
Publication: NA.
Effects of including phytase and xylanase in wheat-based diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Pedersen, and M. G. Boersma.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and amino acids in three novel corn byproducts.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Pedersen, and M. G. Boersma.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy in high protein DDG and corn germ by growing pigs.
Investigators: Widmer, M. R., L. M. McGinnis, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85: 2994-3003.
Digestibility of phosphorus in high protein DDG and corn germ by growing pigs.
Investigators: Widmer, M. R., L. M. McGinnis, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85: 2994-3003.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in high protein DDG and corn germ by growing pigs.
Investigators: Widmer, M. R., L. M. McGinnis, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85: 2994-3003.
Effects of two microbial phytases on growth performance and bone strength when fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: McGinnis L. M., M. R. Widmer, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Leann McGinnis’s MS thesis.
Comparison of organic and inorganic selenium sources in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Widmer, M. R., D. N. Peters, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:4991-4997.
Production responses of weanling pigs fed diets containing REAP® Starter enzymes or added fat.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., D. Y. Kil, D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 2):108 (Abstr.)
Effect of dietary soybean oil and soybean protein concentration on the concentration of digestible amino acids in soybean products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 86:1841-1849.
Site of activity within the digestive tract of growing pigs of an evolved E. coli-derived and a fungal-derived commercial phytase.
Investigators: McGinnis, L. M., M. R. Widmer, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 2):87-88 (Abstr.)
Ileal digestibility of amino acids in conventional, fermented, and enzyme treated soybean meal and in soy protein isolate, fishmeal, and casein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88: 2674-2683.
Effect of the form of dietary fat and the concentration of dietary neutral detergent fiber on apparent ileal and apparent total tract digestibility of fat in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kil, D. Y., T. E. Sauber, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88: 2959-2967.
Duodenal and ileal digestibility of amino acids in heat treated soybean meals fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Sarah Cervantes-Pahm’s MS thesis.
Amino acid and energy digestibility in biomeal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and M. G. Boersma.
Publication: NA.
Effects of mannan-containing feed ingredients fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: NA.
Digestible and metabolizable energy in corn and two novel feed ingredients fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Widmer, M. R., L. M. McGinnis, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Evaluation of corn grain with the genetically modified input trait DAS-59122-7 fed to growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., C. Pedersen, D. M. Wulf, and D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87:1254-1260.
Effects of feeding field peas to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Sci. Food Agric. 90:1429-1436.
Effects of feeding extruded field peas to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., B. G. Kim, and D. N. Peters.
Publication: J. Sci. Food Agric. 90 :1429-1436.
Effects of including phytase producing substances in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kil, D. Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Net energy of soybean hulls and wheat middlings.
Investigators: Stewart, L. L., F. Ji, D. Y. Kil, B. Hinson, D. Bealieu, G. Allee, J. Patience, J. E. Pettigrew, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:2756-2765.
Effects of feeding distillers dried grains with solubles, high protein distillers grains, and corn germ to growing finishing pigs on pig performance, carcass composition, and the palatability of pork.
Investigators: Widmer, M. R., L. M. McGinnis, D. M. Wulf, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 86:1819-1831.
Effects of a Pichia-expressed phytase on performance and P excretion of growing pigs.
Investigators: McGinnis, L. M., M. R. Widmer, C. L. Wright, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):438 (Abstr.)
Amino acid digestibility in high protein and low oligosaccharide varieties of soybean meal.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87:2282-2290.
Standardized amino acid digestibility in cecectomized roosters and lysine bioavailability in chicks fed distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Pahm, A. A., C. Scherer, C. M. Parsons, D. H. Baker, J. E. Pettigrew, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Poultry Sci. 88:571-578.
Energy digestibility in high protein and low oligosaccharide varieties of soybean meal.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87:2282-2290.
In situ protein degradation and rumen degradable protein in four sources of soybean meal.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., K. Cowles, M. Murphy, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Sarah K. Cervantes-Pahm’s MS thesis.
Effects on pig performance of including a mannan rich product in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., A. A. Pahm, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of dietary Carbadox on apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids in weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stewart, L. L., B. G. Kim, B. R. Gramm, R. D. Nimmo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Am. J. Anim. Vet Sci. 5:168-174.
Effects of Virginiamycin on amino acid digestibility in growing pigs fed corn-soybean meal based diets.
Investigators: Stewart, L. L., B. G. Kim, B. R. Gramm, R. D. Nimmo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88:1718-1724.
Energy digestibility in a novel source of high protein distillers dried grains fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., G. I. Petersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87:4013-4021.
Amino acid digestibility in a novel source of high protein distillers dried grains fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., G. I. Petersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87:4013-4021.
Effects on energy and nutrient digestibility of adding new sources of xylanase and phytase to DDGS containing diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Energy digestibility and energy balance in novel corn co-products.
Investigators: Horsman, K. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Comparison of phytase sources in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Horsman, K. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of including a fermented soybean meal in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 3):135. (Abstr.)
Effects of including a phytase-xylanase combination in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Horsman, K. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Differences in amino acid and energy digestibility among 12 sources of corn grain fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Horsman K. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effectiveness of a novel phytase in improving the digestibility of calcium and phosphorus and deposition of bone ash in weanling pigs.
Investigators: Horsman, K. L., G. I. Petersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Net energy requirement for maintenance in growing and finishing pigs.
Investigators: Kil, D. Y., L. L. Stewart, B. Hinson, G. Allee, J. F. Patience, J. E. Pettigrew, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 3):98. (Abstr.)
Effects of phytase and dietary phosphorus concentration on the digestibility of amino acids in diets fed to pigs.
Investigators: Pahm, A. A., G. I. Petersen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Prof. Anim. Scientist. 29:693-700.
Net energy value of soybean oil and choice white grease in diets fed to growing or finishing pigs.
Investigators: Kil, D. Y., L. L. Stewart, B. Hinson, G. Allee, J. F. Patience, J. E. Pettigrew, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89:448-459.
Effects of dietary lipids on the net energy of corn in diets fed to growing and finishing pigs.
Investigators: Kil, D. Y., F. Ji, L. L. Stewart, B. Hinson, D. Beaulieu, G. Allee, J. F. Patience, J. E. Pettigrew, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:3283-3290.
Effects of distillers dried grains with solubles on AA, energy, and fiber digestibility and on intestinal transit time of a corn soybean meal diet fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88:1454-1462.
Effects of adding a mixture of xylanase and phytase to diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Horsman, K. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of dietary fiber in distillers co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., G. C. Shurson, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88:2373-2381.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in conventional, high protein, and low oligosaccharide varieties of full fat soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 162:66-73.
Concentrations of DE and ME in conventional, high protein, and low oligosaccharide varieties of full fat soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 3):94. (Abstr.)
Effects of a novel xylanase enzyme on performance of weanling and growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of a novel xylanase enzyme on apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of a combination of amylase, phytase, and xylanase on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of protein, methionine, and cysteine concentrations on performance, fecal consistency, and the concentration of sulfate reducing microbes in the hindgut of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Reis, T. C. S., G. Mariscal-Landín, P. E. Urriola, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 2):255. (Abstr.)
Effects of combinations of clay products on performance, fecal consistency, and blood chemistry of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., K. L. Horsman, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):68 (Abstr.)
Net energy in DDGS by growing and finishing pigs.
Investigators: Gutierrez, N. A., D. Y. Kil, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Sci. Food. Agric. 94:3008-3016.
Standardized ileal digestibility in soybean meal produced from high protein and low oligosaccharide varieties of soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 188:64-73.
Concentration of DE and ME in soybean meal produced from high protein and low oligosaccharide varieties of soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 188:64-73.
Apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in corn, soybean meal, and DDGS fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88:2968-2977.
Concentration of TME in soybean meal from high protein and low oligosaccharide varieties of soybeans fed to broiler chicks.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., P. Utterback, C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Poultry Sci. 90:390-395.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in corn co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 2):331. (Abstr.)
True digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal from high protein and low oligosaccharide varieties of soybeans by cecectomized roosters.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Poultry Sci. 90:390-395.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal produced from low-kunitz varieties of soybeans.
Investigators: Goebel, K. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 24:88-95.
Effects of an enzyme mixture on DE and ME in high fiber diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kil, D. Y., B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of heat treatment and color on apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in distillers dried grains with solubles by growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of DDGS and microbial phytase on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88:2968-2977.
Effects of a combination of amylase, phytase, and xylanase on amino acid digestibility by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of DDGS and phytase on P excretion by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88: 88:2968-2977.
Effects of DDGS sulfur concentration on diet palatability by growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:272-281.
Effects of including plasma protein in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., D. Y. Kil, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in two novel sources of whey permeate fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:289-295.
Digestible and metabolizable energy concentration in two novel sources of whey permeate.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., J. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:289-295.
Caloric value of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber intended for human food.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Agric. Food Chem. 61:12374-12379.
Ileal and total tract digestibility of novel fiber sources intended for human food.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Sci. Food Agric. 94:1284-1290.
Ileal and total tract digestibility of energy, crude protein, lipids, ash, and carbohydrates in DDGS fed to growing and finishing pigs.
Investigators: Gutierrez, N. A., D. Y. Kil, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Nestor Gutierrez’s MS thesis.
Apparent and true ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and lipids in soybean meal and five different sources of corn oil by growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., D. Y. Kil, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:755-763.
Apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in fish meal, soybean meal, brewers yeast, and in two sources of single cell protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:5476-5484.
Apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in conventional and enzyme treated soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Goebel, K. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89:764-772.
Digestible and metabolizable energy concentration in conventional and enzyme treated soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Goebel, K. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89:764-772.
Digestible and metabolizable energy concentration in fish meal, soybean meal, brewers yeast, and in two sources of single cell protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:5476-5484.
Effects of including soybean meal from conventional, high protein, or low oligosaccharide varieties of soybeans in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 188:64-73.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal, fish meal, brewers yeast, and two sources of single cell protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of DDGS sulfur concentration on growth performance of growing and finishing pigs and tissue concentrations of sulfur and selenium.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:272-281; and J. Anim. Sci. 92:4486-4493.
Digestible and metabolizable energy concentration in 2 novel varieties of corn.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects on phosphorus digestibility of adding graded levels of a novel phytase to corn-soybean meal diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 4:1-8.
Effects of including a novel source of whey permeate in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., K. P. Goebel, and P. E. Urriola.
Publication: NA.
Effects of feeding soybean meal produced from high protein or low oligosaccharide varieties of soybeans to growing broiler chicks.
Investigators: Baker, K. M., C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Poultry Sci. 90:390-395.
Effects of feeding diets containing full fat soybeans to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and K. P. Goebel.
Publication: NA.
Effects of single cell protein and brewers yeast on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of DDGS sulfur concentration on diet palatability by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:272-281.
Effects of DDGS sulfur concentration on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:272-281.
Development of low protein diets for weanling pigs based on HP DDG or corngluten meal and field peas.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In G. I. Petersen’s PhD dissertation.
Fat digestibility in enzymatically treated soybean meal with and without choice white grease and vegetable oil.
Investigators: Goebel, K. P, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 2):213 (Abstr.)
Ileal and total tract digestibility of non-starch polysaccharides in pectin, soybean hulls, sugarbeet pulp, and DDGS fed to Yorkshire or Meishan pigs.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:802-812.
Effects of chromium picolinate on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., K. P. Goebel, B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Correlation between the concentration of furosine and the ileal digestibility of lysine in DDGS fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., D. Y. Kil, Y. Zhang, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:3798-3808.
Apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in corn, soybean meal, field peas, corn gluten meal, and high protein distillers dried grain fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Fed Sci. Technol. 188:145-149.
Effects of timing of ileal digesta sampling procedures on calculated values for ileal digestibility of AA.
Investigators: Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:4196-4204, and J. Anim. Sci. 95:789-798.
Effects of dietary calcium concentration on digestibility of calcium in calcium carbonate.
Investigators: Stein, H. H., and the NCCC-42 committee on swine nutrition.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89:2139-2144.
Impact of indigestible marker on needed adaptation time in experiments to measure ileal digestibility of nutrients in pigs.
Investigators:Kim, B. G., S. A. Lee, K. R. Park, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Journal of Animal Science, 2020. 1–8. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa027.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in heat damaged soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez, J. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89:3617-3625.
Effects of different fat sources on AA digestibility in corn-soybean meal-DDGS-based diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kil, D. Y., B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu. 24:248-253.
Effects of xylanase and phytase on ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and fiber.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Palatability of different sources of whey permeate by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Ju, W. S., O. J. Rojas, B. G. Kim, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of xylanase on growth performance of growing pigs.
Investigator: H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of lysine requirement of 60 – 90 kg pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of feeding low-protein, AA fortified diets to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
In vitro digestibility of fiber in DDGS.
Investigators: Urriola, P. E., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 2):369 (Abstr.)
Digestibility of P in blood products fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu. 24:617-622.
Amino acid digestibility in blood meals.
Investigators: Boucher, S., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):89 (Abstr.)
Amino acid digestibility in a threonine co-product.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92: 4540-4546.
Energy digestibility in a threonine coproduct.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92: 4540-4546.
Effect of direct fed microbials on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of feeding vomitoxin contaminated corn to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Stein, H. H. and the NCCC-42 committee on swine nutrition.
Publication: NA.
Digestible and metabolizable energy in novel corn hybrids.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Lysine requirement of 10 – 20 kg pigs fed a corn-soybean meal diet.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89(Suppl. 2):100 (Abstr.)
Lysine and tryptophan requirement of 10 – 20 kg pigs fed a corn-corn gluten meal- field pea diet.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89(Suppl. 2):100 (Abstr.)
Comparison of values for standardized total tract digestibility and relative availability of P in corn, soybean meal, and DDGS fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Baker, S., B. G. Kim, R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:203-210.
Amino acid digestibility of sunflower, canola, and cotton seed products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Gonzales, J. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:4391-4400.
Effects of a low-lysine-low-tryptophan corn-corn gluten meal-field pea diet on performance of 10 – 20 kg pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of a low-lysine-low-tryptophan corn-high protein distillers dried grains diet on performance of 10 – 20 kg pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Phosphorus digestibility in fermented soybean meal.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:1506-1512.
Effects of additives on fat quality of pigs fed DDGS containing diets.
Investigators: Lee, J. W., F. K. McKeith, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:2426-2437.
Amino acid digestibility in fermented soybean meal.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:4397-4405.
Energy digestibility in fermented soybean meal.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:4397-4405.
Effects of xylanase on ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients.
Investigator: H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility of single cell protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigator: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of BW on endogenous losses of P and on apparent and standardized digestibility of P.
Investigators: Baker, S. R., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Scott Baker’s MS thesis.
Amino acid digestibility in corn co-products and bakery meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigator: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 89:4109-4115.
Ideal tryptophan to lysine ratio in a corn-corn gluten meal-field pea diet fed to 10 – 20 kg pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Ideal tryptophan to lysine ratio in a corn-high protein distillers dried grains diet fed to 10 – 20 kg pigs.
Investigators: Petersen, G. I., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in palm kernel meal, palm kernel expeller, and copra meal.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., W. S. Ju, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:1391-1399.
Energy digestibility in palm kernel meal, palm kernel expeller, and copra meal.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., W. S. Ju, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:1391-1399.
Digestibility of energy and nutrients in eight different cereal grains.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Sci. Food Agric. 94:841-849; and Br. J. Nutr. 111:1663-1672.
Phosphorus digestibility in palm kernel meal, palm kernel expellers, and copra expellers.
Investigators: Almaguer, B. L., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:2473-2480.
Digestibility of energy in dried fermentation biomass, hydrolyzed porcine intestinal mucosa products, and fish meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J., R. C. Sulabo, O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91: 2802-2811.
Digestibility of phosphorus in dried fermentation biomass, hydrolyzed porcine intestinal mucosa products, and fish meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J., R. C. Sulabo, O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91: 2802-2811.
Digestibility of amino acids in dried fermentation biomass, hydrolyzed porcine intestinal mucosa products, and fish meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J., R. C. Sulabo, O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:2802-2811.
Digestibility of phosphorus in 8 sources of meat meal and meat and bone meal.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:1285-1294.
Amino acid digestibility in blood meals fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 181:80-86.
In vitro digestibility of energy and DM in corn.
Investigators: Cervantes-Pahm, S. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Sarah Cervantes-Pahm’s PhD dissertation.
Effects of direct-fed microbials on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in Lemna protein concentrate fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:5222-5229.
Energy digestibility in Lemna protein concentrate fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:5222-5229.
Effects of including PepSoyGen in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu. 28:22-41.
Effects of Xylanase on growth performance of pigs fed DDGS containing diets.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Publication: NA.
Effects of replacing poultry by-product meal with PepSoyGen on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu. 28:22-41.
Digestibility of phosphorus in canola, cottonseed, and sunflower products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D., R. Sulabo, J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93:493-503.
Effect of feed additives on the cut-out value of pork.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., A. Dilger, F. McKeith, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy in canola, cottonseed, and sunflower products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D., R. Sulabo, J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93:493-503.
Energy digestibility of corn co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:5326-5335.
Effects of heat damage on the digestibility of AA in DDGS.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 4:44.
Phosphorus digestibility in corn co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:5326-5335.
Evaluation of corn germ in diets fed to growing finishing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, J. W. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90:4933-4942.
AA digestibility in camelina seeds and camelina expellers.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93:335-343.
Amino acid digestibility in high protein and low oligosaccharide full fat soybeans.
Investigators: Yoon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 2):49 (Abstr.)
Amino acid digestibility in soybean meal produced from low Kunitz soybeans.
Investigators: Yoon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in poultry by-product meal.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:3220-3230.
Amino acid digestibility in heat damaged canola meal.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 187:44-52.
DE and ME in soybean meal produced from low Kunitz soybeans.
Investigators: Yoon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
DE and ME in high protein and low oligosaccharide full fat soybeans.
Investigators: Yoon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 184:105-109.
Determination of the effect of microbial phytase on the true total tract digestibility of Ca in canola meal fed to growing pigs .
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, J. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:4807-4816.
Effect of a novel probioticum on energy and nutrient digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Energy concentration in a novel source of high starch corn.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Evaluation of strategies for inclusion of animal proteins in phase 1 diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of zinc oxide and copper sulfate on growth performance and plasma zinc concentrations in weanling pigs fed phytase supplemented diets.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of adding coated and uncoated butyrate to diets fed to weanling or finishing pigs on intestinal butyrate concentrations.
Investigators: Song, M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91(Suppl. 2):110 (Abstr.)
Effects of adding xylanase and direct fed microbials to diets fed to growing pigs on energy, DM, and nutrient digestibility.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Maison, T., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:3502-3514.
Amino acid digestibility in feather meal .
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:5829-5837 and Livest. Sci. 163:85-93.
Performance and nutrient digestibility of slow and fast growing pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91(Suppl. 2):117 (Abstr.)
Amino acid digestibility in new high-protein sources of canola meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y, T. Maison, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:4466-4477.
Concentration of DE and ME in high-protein sources of canola meal.
Investigators: Y. Liu, Maison, T., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:4466-4477.
Digestibility of energy and phosphorus in poultry by-product meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:3220-3230.
Digestibility of amino acids in extruded soybean meal and soy protein concentrate fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Yoon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Phosphorus and energy digestibility in feather meal.
Investigators: Sulabo, R. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 91:5829-5837.
Composition of the non-starch polysaccharide fraction in grains and grain co-products.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., H. Lærke, K. E. Bach Knudsen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:1103-1113.
Effects of lipid level on digestibility of nutrients and DE and ME in DDGS.
Investigators: Lee, J. W., O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci 91(E-Suppl. 2):582-583 (Abstr.)
Effects of lipid level on ileal digestibility of amino acids in DDGS.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., S. M. Curry, D. M. L. Navarro, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 5:27.
Determination of site of absorption of organic and inorganic Ca fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, J. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Arch. Anim. Nutr. 68:126-142.
Standardized total tract digestibility of P in different sources of monocalcium phosphate.
Investigators: Song, M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of feeding soybean meal with different degrees of heat damage to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Animal 8:1594-1602.
Amino acid digestibility in corn co-products from the wet milling industry fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y, M. Song, F. N. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:4547-4556.
Energy digestibility in corn co-products from the wet milling industry fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y, M. Song, F. N. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:4547-4556.
Effects of feeding distillers dried grains with solubles with different degrees of heat damage to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Animal 8:1594-1602.
Effects of heat damage on the digestibility of AA in sunflower meal.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:585-593.
Effects of heat damage on the digestibility of AA in cottonseed meal.
Investigators: Almeida, F. N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 92:585-593.
Energy digestibility in canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Maison, T., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:652-660.
Digestibility of energy in extruded soybean meal and soy protein concentrate fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Yoon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of palm kernel meal on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, J. C., N. W. Jaworski, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Prof. Anim. Scientist. 30:243-251.
Effects of palm kernel expellers on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, J. C., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Prof. Anim. Scientist. 30:243-251.
Amino acid digestibility in high protein canola meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Shoulders, J., J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:2208-2217.
Concentration of DE and ME in high protein canola meal.
Investigators: J. Diaz Berrocoso, J., O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:2208-2217.
Effects of copra meal on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Shoulders, J., J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Prof. Anim. Scientist. 30:243-251.
Digestibility of amino acids in novel sources of fermented soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Yoon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Effects of microbial phytase on growth performance and blood concentrations of P, Ca, Cu, and Zn in weanling pigs.
Investigators: Song, M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of an E. coli derived microbial phytase on growth performance and bone ash concentrations of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y, J. Yoon, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of corn particle size on total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients by growing pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Livest. Sci. 181:187-193.
Effects of corn particle size on ileal digestibility of energy and nutrients by growing pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Livest. Sci. 181:187-193.
Phosphorus digestibility in canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Maison, T., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:3494-3502.
Phosphorus digestibility in high protein canola meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Parr, C., J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Poult. Sci. 97:188–195.
Amino acid digestibility in new sources of distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Growth performance of pigs fed conventional or high lysine distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Liu, Y. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Growth performance of growing-finishing pigs fed diets containing corn ground to different particle sizes.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:619-628.
Lysine requirement of gilts from 25 to 50 kg BW.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. 94:4217-4230.
Effects of graded levels of microbial phytase on digestibility of P in 4 sources of canola meal and in soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:2061-2070.
Energy digestibility in new sources of distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of direct fed microbials on growth performance of growing finishing pigs fed corn-soybean meal based diets supplemented by microbial phytase.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing corn ground to different particle sizes and adjusted for dietary ME.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Prod. Sci. 56:1312-1316.
Digestibility by growing pigs of calcium in organic and inorganic sources of calcium.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, J. C, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:2255-2264.
Amino acid digestibility in fermentation biomass obtained from production of L-Threonine or L-Valine.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of adding canola meal or high protein canola meal to diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Parr, C., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:2165-2173.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing corn ground to different particle sizes and not adjusted for dietary ME.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Prod. Sci. 56:1312-1316.
Effects of carbohydrases on growth performance of growing pigs fed high-fiber diets.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in fermentation biomass obtained from production of L-Threonine or L-Valine.
Investigators: J. F. Berroscoso, O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114463
Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in US-produced soybean meal fed to growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Sotak, K. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:5694-5701.
Effects of xylanase on ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients in high-fiber diets.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2):112-113 (Abstr.)
Ileal and total tract digestibility by growing pigs of energy and nutrients in liquid co-products from the ethanol industry.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Ileal amino acid digestibility in technologically treated soybean and rapeseed products fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Navarro, D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:2658-2669.
Effects of phytase and phytate on the digestibility of Calcium in fish meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, C. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:4808-4818.
Amino acid digestibility in casein and 3 sources of soy protein isolate
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in fermented soybean meals fed to weanling pigs
Investigators: Sotak, K. M., and H. H. Stein
Publication: In K. M. Sotak’s PhD Dissertation.
Energy digestibility in enzyme treated distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Curry, S. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in novel sources of hydrolyzed animal proteins fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: J. F. Diaz Berrocoso, Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in European distillers dried grains with solubles produced from wheat, corn, or a mixture of wheat and corn and fed to growing pigs
Investigators: Curry, S. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2019. 3:641-653.
Effects of physical, chemical, or enzymatic treatment of corn distillers dried grains with solubles on apparent total tract digestibility of energy and dietary fiber when fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., J. F. Berroscoso, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In O. J. Rojas’ PhD dissertation.
Effects of hydrolyzed yeast on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., J. F. Diaz, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of fermented soybean meal on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of including high protein canola meal in diets fed to growing-finishing pigs
Investigators: Liu, Y., T. Maison, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:1284-1297; and Meat Sci. 103:28-38.
Effects of including high protein canola meal in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., T. Maison, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:1284-1297; and Meat Sci. 103:28-38.
Effects of including high protein canola meal in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., T. Maison, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in high protein canola meal, conventional canola meal, and soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 212:52-62.
Comparison of the bio-efficacy of three microbial phytases fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, J. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Comparison of enzyme treated soybean meal and animal protein sources in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, J. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Comparison of different sources of enzyme treated soybean meal in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, J. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Efficacy of enzymes and direct fed microbials in corn soybean meal diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Almeida, J. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Energy digestibility in distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Curry, S. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Prof. Anim. Sci. 32:687-694.
Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in feed ingredients fed to sows and to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lowell, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Arch. Anim. Nutr. 69:79-97.
Amino acid digestibility in US-produced soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Sotak, K. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:771-778.
Effects of wheat bran on the concentration of digestible, metabolizable, and net energy and on heat production of diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. L., Y. Liu, D. Li, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:2843-2850.
Effects of pelleting, extrusion, or pelleting and extrusion on energy and nutrient digestibility of diets varying in concentrations of dietary fiber and fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:1951-1960.
Digestibility of phosphorus in high protein canola meal, conventional canola meal, and soybean meal without and with microbial phytase fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Salgado, H. J. S. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Ileal amino acid digestibility in rice co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G., J. S. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed. Sci. Technol. 207:150-158.
Additivity of values for apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, C. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of source of zinc oxide on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in technologically treated soybean and rapeseed products fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Navarro, D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of direct fed microbials and exogenous enzymes on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Ileal amino acid digestibility of field peas, corn, soybean meal, distillers dried grains with solubles, and soybean hulls fed to growing gilts.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:4217-4230.
Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in high protein canola meal, conventional canola meal, and soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. L., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 212:52-62.
Efficacy of a novel source of microbial phytase fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., J. S. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
The effect of enzyme treatments on ileal and total tract digestibility of nutrients in weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., J. S. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In NA
Digestibility of phosphorus in rice co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G., J. S. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93:3441-3448.
Effects of Ecomix on growth performance of weanling and growing – finishing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of dietary fiber on the digestible Thr:Lys requirement by growing pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:4217-4230.
Requirement of standardized total tract digestible calcium by 11 to 25 kg pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, J. C., L. Merriman, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:3321-3334.
Effects of a yeast product on total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients in pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of pelleting and fiber concentration on growth performance of growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., D. D. Boler, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:2172-2183; and J. Anim. Sci. 94:2198-2206.
Effects of extrusion on energy digestibility in diets based on corn, oats, and soybean meal.
Investigators: Liu, Y., O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. 2):134-135 (Abstr.)
Amino acid digestibility in a novel source of oat protein.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of the particle size of calcium carbonate on the digestibility of calcium when fed to pigs.
Investigators: Merriman, L. J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:3844-3850.
Effect of adding bovine plasma to diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 1:333-342.
Effects of formaldehyde treatment on vitamin stability and ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. s3):855-856 (Abstr.)
Effects of dietary fiber on protein balance in diets limiting in digestible threonine
Investigators: Mathai, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:4217-4230.
Effects of level of feed intake on energy and nutrient digestibility in pigs.
Investigators: Guzman, P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of diet complexity to the response to antibiotic growth promoters in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of including high protein canola meal in diets fed to gestating and lactating sows.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:5179–5187.
Amino acid digestibility in a novel source of soy protein concentrate and soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci., 94:3343-3352.
Energy digestibility and concentration of DE and ME in a novel source of soy protein concentrate and soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci., 94:3343-3352.
Effects of a novel source of soy protein concentrate and microbial phytase on digestibility of phosphorus by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:3343-3352.
Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in rice co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G., J. S. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:1933-1939.
Digestibility of amino acids in 6 sources of meat and bone meal.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., D. M. L. D. Navarro, Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 98: 860–867.
Evaluation of a novel phytase fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ren, P., L. Blavi, C. González-Vega, Y. Liu, D. Hancock, M. Vazquez-Añón, F. N. Almeida, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2020.4:1-14. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa201.
Standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in animal protein sources fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Merriman, L., J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2):110 (Abstr.)
Effects of high fiber diets and direct fed microbials on growth performance and intestinal microbial population in weanling pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., D. M. L. Navarro, Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. Sci. 95:308-319.
Effects of country of origin of soybean meal on metabolizable energy when fed to broiler chickens.
Investigators: Sotak, K. M., R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of country of origin of soybean meal on ileal digestibility when fed to broiler chickens.
Investigators: Sotak, K. M., R. C. Sulabo, C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of superdosing of microbial phytase on weanling pig performance.
Investigators: Stein, H. H. and the NCCC-42 Committee on swine nutrition.
Publication: In preparation.
Effect of origin of soybean meal on digestibility of phosphorus.
Investigators: Sotak, K. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:2397-2402.
Degradability of microbial phytase along the intestinal tract of pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y, N. W. Jaworski, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of particle size of soy protein concentrate on digestibility of amino acids when fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Huang, C., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:827-836.
Effects of a commercial yeast product on digestibility of energy and nutrients in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Abelilla, J. J., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of high fiber diets and direct fed microbials on growth performance, intestinal volatile fatty acid concentration, and expression of certain genes in growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., D. M. L. Navarro, Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of particle size of calcium carbonate on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Merriman, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:3844-3850.
Effects of adaptation time to high fiber diets on responses to direct fed microbials on digestibility of energy and nutrients in growing pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of butyrate on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestible indispensable amino acid score in dairy and plant sources of food proteins.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Br. J. Nutr. 117:490-499.
Effects of a commercial carbohydrase on amino acid digestibility of soybean meal, canola meal, and distillers dried grains with solubles fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Performance, digestibility of phosphorus, and bone ash of weanling pigs fed diets supplementation with Smizyme Phytase.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 232:102-109.
Effects of a commercial carbohydrase on energy digestibility of soybean meal, canola meal, and distillers dried grains with solubles fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of dietary concentrations of calcium and phosphorus on calcium and phosphorus balance of 25 to 50 kg pigs.
Investigators: Gonzalez-Vega, J. C., L. M. Merriman, C. Walk, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:5272-5285.
Digestible indispensable amino acid score of oat protein.
Investigators: Abelilla, J. J., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Agric. Food Sci. 98:410-414.
Effects of a commercial carbohydrase on growth performance of weanling and growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of yeast on performance of lactating sows and suckling piglets and on milk composition.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of different protein sources in starter diets for weanling pigs on growth performance.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 1:333-342.
Effects of source of dietary fat on digestibility of calcium in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Merriman, L. M., J. C. Gonzalez-Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:4231-4238.
Effects of advanced soybean meals on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Liu, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of particle size of soy protein concentrate on digestibility of energy by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Huang, C., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:827-836.
Effects of soy protein concentrate on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:827-836.
Complete chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of energy and DM in 5 rice co-products.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., H. L. Lærke, K. E. Bach Knudsen, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2019. 247:255–261.
Effects of hydrochloric acid on calculated values for ileal digestibility of amino acids in growing pigs.
Investigators: ALee, S. A., L. Blavi, D. M. D. L. Navarro, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Animal Bioscience. Online ahead of print. doi:10.5713/ab.20.0838.
Complete chemical composition and physical characteristics of 10 feed ingredients.
Investigators: Navarro, D. M. D. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018.96:532–544.
Effects of synthetic amino acids on calculated values for the standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., J. K. Mathai, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci., 2020.98:11, 1–8.
Effects of country of origin of soybean meal on ileal digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:1626-1636.
Comparative total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients in defatted and full fat rice bran fed to growing pigs, gestating sows, and lactating sows.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:3136-3142.
Effects of microbial xylanase on growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing full fat or defatted rice bran.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:4179-4187.
Total tract digestibility of dietary fiber sources intended for human consumption.
Investigators: Spangler, H., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Effects of sodium concentration and microbial phytase on digestibility of calcium in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Merriman, L. A., C. L. Walk, C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Livest. Sci.
Effects of sucrose and cornstarch on digestibility of calcium in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Merriman, L. A., C. L. Walk, C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of phytase on balance and digestibility of Ca and P and on digesta pH and ash concentration in diets without or with phytate-bound P fed to growing pigs
Investigators: Merriman, L. A., C. L. Walk, C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Ileal digestibility of amino acids in untraditional feed ingredients fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:2361–2370.
Correlation between the physicochemical characteristics and energetic value of dietary fiber in feed ingredients fed to pigs.
Investigators: Navarro, D. M. D. L., J. J. Abelilla, N. W. Jaworski, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:2265–2277.
Effects of superdosing of microbial phytase on ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients by growing pigs.
Investigators: She, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:2804–2816.
Effects of diet energy level and an exogenous enzyme on growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing canola meal produced from high protein or conventional canola seeds.
Investigators: Pedersen, T. F., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 94:5206-5218.
Requirements for standardized total tract digestible calcium and standardized total tract digestible phosphorus to maximize growth performance and bone mineralization in 100 to 125 kg finishing pigs.
Investigators: Merriman, L. A., C. L. Walk, C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:5439-5446.
Amino acid digestibility in 11 sources of wheat middlings fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:2718-2725.
Disappearance of nutrients and energy in the stomach and small intestine, cecum, and colon of pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets containing distillers dried grains with solubles, wheat middlings, or soybean hulls.
Investigators: Jaworski, N. W., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:727-739
Effects of different fermentation processing of soybean meal on the ileal digestibility of AA in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., C. Munoz, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of direct fed microbials and microbial xylanase on ileal and total tract digestibility of fiber components in diets fed to pigs.
Investigators: Spangler, H., G. A. Casas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of a DFM alone or in combination with an enzyme on growth performance of nursery pigs
Investigators: Spangler, H., G. A. Casas, and H. H. Stein.
Publ.: NA.
Growth performance, carcass quality, fresh belly characteristics and commercial bacon slicing yields of growing-finishing pigs fed a subtherapeutic dose of an antibiotic, a natural antimicrobial, or not fed an antibiotic or antimicrobial.
Investigators: Lowell, J. E., M. F. Overholt, D. D. Boler, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Meat Science, 136:93-103.
Effects of different fermentation processing of soybean meal on the total tract digestibility of energy by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Munoz, C., L. V. Lagos, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of dietary fiber on nitrogen balance of growing pigs
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Digestibility of Ca in feed ingredients derived from milk.
Investigators: She, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of dietary synthetic carbohydrates on feed intake and stool scores of growing pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of fructo-oligosaccharides on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Spangler, H., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of acidifiers and plant extracts on growth performance of growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Spangler, H., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Concentration of DE and ME and digestibility of fiber in 11 sources of wheat middlings fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:215–224.
Effects of different concentrations, form of feeding, and timing of ingestion of a novel fiber source on stool scores of growing pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in novel corn proteins fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Spangler, H., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021. In Press.
Effects of microbial phytase on growth performance of pigs from 25 to 50 kg fed diets with different concentrations of digestible lysine.
Investigators: Spangler, H. L., J. K. Mathai, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Concentration of DE and ME in novel corn proteins fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Spangler, H., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021. In Press.
Concentration of DE and ME in pennycress expellers fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Spangler, H., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of a protease on the ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kong, W. B., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Effects of commercial phytases on growth performance and bone ash of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of a direct fed microbial on the ileal digestibility of AA in soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, Su A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Interactions between Ca and Zn and microbial phytase on growth performance and mineral balance of growing pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:847-854.
Efficacy of a novel phytase product on growth performance, bone ash concentration, and total tract digestibility of Ca and P by growing pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97:3390–3398.
Effects of diet composition on responses to microbial xylanase by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of diet composition on microbial concentrations in the intestinal tract of pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., L. V. Lagos, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of valeric acid and an organic acidifier on growth performance and fecal score in weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in a novel source of distillers dried grains with solubles fed to pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of copper sources on total tract digestibility of acid hydrolyzed ether extract and energy by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:5447-5454.
Effect of Dakota Gold and a conventional source of DDGS on ileal digestibility of amino acids by pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98. 10, 1–8.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in a novel source of distillers dried grains with solubles fed to pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy, fiber, and acid hydrolyzed ether extract in Dakota Gold DDGS and conventional DDGS fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98. 10, 1–8.
Effects of dietary copper on growth performance and fecal scores by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:5447-5454.
Effects of a high protein corn-product on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effect of 2 levels of tribasic copper chloride on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 95:5447-5454.
Effects of inclusion of valeric acid or zinc oxide on growth performance and fecal score of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of increasing inclusion level of valeric acid on growth performance and fecal scores of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., L. V. Lagos, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Degradability of dietary fiber along the intestinal tract of pigs fed diets containing different concentrations and different types of dietary fiber.
Investigators: Abelilla, J. J., Navarro, D. M. D. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97:338–352.
Effects of graded levels of defatted or full fat rice bran on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:2293–2309.
Effects of different levels of probiotics on growth performance and intestinal health of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., L. Blavi, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98: 1-12. doi:10.1093/jas/skz372.
Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in different sources of low-fat DDGS fed to growing pigs
Investigators: Lee, S. A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2019. 3:662–675.
Requirement for standardized total tract digestible calcium and standardized total tract digestible phosphorus to maximize growth performance and bone mineralization in 50 to 80 kg pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2019. 247:262–272.
Effects of heat treatment of soybean meal on ileal digestibility of amino acids.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., M. K. Wiltafsky, S. A. Lee, W. B. Kwon, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2020. 269:114621.
Effects of microbial phytase on growth performance of pigs fed diets containing graded levels of digestible threonine.
Investigators: Lee, S. A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Effects of different carbohydrases on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of oxidized oil on the optimum Trp:Lys ratio in idets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of concentration of dietary fiber on digestibility of nutrients and energy in mixed diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Navarro, D. M. D. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018.96:1860–1868; and Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2019. 248: 1–9.
Effects of heat treatment of full fat soybeans on ileal digestibility of amino acids.
Investigators: Lee, S. A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Effects of superdosing with different commercial microbial phytases on ileal digestibility of amino acids.
Investigators: Blavi, L., C. J. Munoz, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Effects of heat treatment of soybean meal on concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., M. K. Wiltafsky, S. A. Lee, W. B. Kwon, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2020. 269:114621.
Effects of heat treatment of full fat soybeans on concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., S. A Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of graded levels of 2 microbial phytases on growth performance and bone ash of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., G. A. Casas, C. J. Munoz, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97:3390–3398.
Ileal digestibility of amino acids in mixed animal proteins fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Abelilla, J. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of amino acids in different sources of low-fat DDGS fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2019. 3:662–675.
Concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in mixed animal proteins fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Abelilla, J. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Dakota Gold DDGS and conventional DDGS on wean to finish growth performance and carcass quality of pigs fed diets that are pelleted or provided in a meal form.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021. In Press.
Effects of a novel combination of yeast and soy molasses on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility by weanling pigs in Gold Pro protein without and with enzyme supplementation.
Investigators: Kwon, W. B., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 96(Suppl. 2):150 (Abstr.).
Effects of including a combination of yeast and potato protein concentrate in diets fed to wean ling pigs.
Investigators: McGhee, M. M. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility and retention of Ca and P in sows and growing pigs fed diets without and with microbial phytase.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., M. R. Bedford, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Effects of Calmin on energy, calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen balance and digestibility of calcium and phosphorus by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, Su A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Calmin on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, Su A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in soy protein concentrate and single cell protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of an enzyme and DFM combination on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing/finishing pigs fed four diets differing in nutrient density.
Investigators: Blavi, L., G. A. Casas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Sangrovit® Extra on apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids, acid hydrolyzed ether extract, and starch by weanling pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., V. Artuso-Ponte, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2020.4:1-7. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa054.
Effect of Cu hydroxychloride on digestibility of energy and acid hydrolyzed ether extract, growth performance, and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of Cu hydroxychloride on digestibility of energy and acid hydrolyzed ether extract and on concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy and on nitrogen balance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Dose response of weaned pigs fed graded levels of recombinant phytase or monocalcium phosphate.
Investigators: Casas, G. A., L. Blavi, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Determination of ME concentration in diets containing corn germ meal.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Ileal digestibility of amino acids in conventional and high protein DDGS fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:1869–1876.
Digestibility of energy and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in high protein and conventional DDGS fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:1869–1876.
Effects of two direct fed microbials on ileal digestibility of amino acids and total tract digestibility of crude protein and gross energy in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97:727–734.
Digestibility of amino acids in distillers yeast, soy protein concentrate, and a threonine biomass fed to pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in hybrid rye fed to pigs.
Investigators: McGhee, M. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:3319–3329.
Effects of Graded Levels of Coated ZnO on Performance, Diarrhea Score, and the Concentrations of Fecal Zn in Weanling Pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Concentration of metabolizable energy and digestibility of energy in distillers yeast, soy protein concentrate, and a threonine biomass fed to pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of microbial phytase on apparent total tract digestibility and standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in distillers yeast, soy protein concentrate, and threonine biomass fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of different levels of soybean meal on digestibility of amino acids in growing pigs fed diets below and above the amino acids requirement.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci., Volume 98, Issue Supplement_3, November 2020, Page 65. (Abstr.).
Effects of a novel combination of yeast and soy molasses in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in two new sources of soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in two new sources of soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of phosphorus in two new sources of soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of Cu hydroxychloride on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 256 (2019) 114257.
Effects of isomers of methionine on N-balance, growth performance, and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Effects of extrusion of corn, wheat and sorghum on digestibility of amino acids and starch.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, C. K. Jones, J. K. Htoo, H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2020.268:114602.
Effects of extrusion on digestibility of gross energy and fiber and on concentrations of DE and ME in corn, wheat, and sorghum.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, C. K. Jones, J. K. Htoo, H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2020.268:114602.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in commercial sources of soybean meal produced in the U.S.
Investigators: Munoz C. J., J. P. Lancheros, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of feeding probiotics to growing-finishing pigs on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and immune parameters.
Investigators: Blavi, L., G. A. Casas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of country of production of soybean meal on concentrations of digestible energy and metabolizable energy.
Investigators: Lopez, D., L. V. Lagos, G. A. Casas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 268:114600. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114600.
Effects of Sangrovit Extra on digestibility of energy in diets fed to pigs.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Influence of excess Leucine in diets fed to growing pigs on growth performance, N-balance, brain and blood concentration of serotonin, and expression of metabolic enzymes.
Investigators: Kwon, W. B., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 97: 4282-4292.
Digestibility of P in hybrid rye, sorghum, wheat, and corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: McGhee, M. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2019.3:1238–1245.
doi: 10.1093/tas/txz088
Ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients in commercial dog foods fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D.A., S. A. Lee, M. R. de Godoy, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Degradation of minerals, phytate and microbial phytase in the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine of growing pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets fortified with microbial phytase.
Investigators: Mesina, V, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97:756–767.
Requirement for digestible calcium and digestible phosphorus by 11 to 25 kg pigs as assessed by growth performance, bone ash, blood concentrations of calcium and phosphorus, and expression of alkaline phosphatase in intestinal tissue.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., G. Fontarilla, C. J. Munoz, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 2019. 10:47
Relative bioavailability of a novel source of valine fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., J. K. Mathai, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 97: 4227–4234. doi:10.1093/jas/skz275.
Effects of adding a novel source of microbial phytase to diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Arredondo, M., G. A. Casas, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2019. 248: 27–36.
Effects of microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in commercial sources of mono calcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Additivity of values for apparent digestibility of fiber in mixed diets fed to pigs.
Investigators: Abelilla, J. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In J. J. Abelilla’s PhD dissertation.
Effects of a phytase and xylanase combination on apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and nutrient by growing pigs fed diets with different levels of Ca and P.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA
Effects of heat treatment of rapeseed meal on digestibility of amino acid by growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira M. S. F., M. K. Wiltafsky-Martin, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci., 2020. 98:7, 1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa219.
Effects of heat treatment of rapeseed meal on digestibility of energy and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira M. S. F., M. K. Wiltafsky-Martin, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci., 2020. 98:7, 1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa219.
Amino acid digestibility in advanced soybean meals.
Investigators: Oliveira M. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of stage of gestation and microbial phytase on endogenous losses of calcium and digestibility of calcium in calcium carbonate by gestating sows.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97:1712–172.
Comparison of the difference and the direct procedure to determine ileal digestibility of amino acids in feed ingredients fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira M. S. F., J. K. Htoo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:8, 1–8. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa225.
Fate of pentoses in the intestinal tract of pigs and energy utilization of pentoses by pigs.
Investigators: Abelilla J. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97(Suppl 2): 95. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz122.171.
Effects of heat treatment on amino acid digestibility in distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Gonzalez, J., M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Fate of pentoses entering the hindgut of growing pigs.
Investigators: Abelilla, J. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019. 97(Suppl 2): 95. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz122.171.
Effects of including calmin as a source of calcium in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestible indispensable amino acid scores in muscle proteins originating from pigs.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., J. K. Mathai, E. Berg, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Nutr. 2020;150:475–482. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxz284.
Effects of copper hydroxychloride and choice white grease on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., R. S. Fry, J. L. Usry, H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2021. 274: 114839.
Energy digestibility in advanced soybean meals.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in commercial sources of calcium carbonate.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019.97:3440–3450.
Digestible indispensable amino acid scores in bovine muscle proteins.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M.,J. K. Mathai, E. Berg, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Br. J. Nutr. 2020. 124:14–22. doi:10.1017/S0007114520000641.
Digestibility of amino acids in different sources of sorghum fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Thomas, L. L., C. D. Espinosa, R. D. Goodband, H. H. Stein, M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, and J. M. DeRouchey.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 1–16. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa120.
Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Scores in plant protein for human consumption.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in novel corn and soybean proteins.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of DE and ME in three sources of sorghum and in yellow dent corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Thomas, L. L., C. D. Espinosa, R. D. Goodband, H. H. Stein, M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, and J. M. DeRouchey.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 1–16. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa120.
Effects of xylanase on total tract digestibility of energy and fiber by growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., L. Blavi, and H. H. Stein..
Publication: Animal Feed Science and Technology 294 (2022) 115485. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2022.115485.
Effects of heat treatment on energy digestibility in distillers dried grains with solubles.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of advanced soybean meal on performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., and H. H. Stein..
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of phosphorus in three sources of sorghum and in yellow dent corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Thomas, L. L., C. D. Espinosa, R. D. Goodband, H. H. Stein, M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, and J. M. DeRouchey.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 1–16. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa120.
Effects of copper hydroxychloride on total tract endogenous losses of lipids by growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., R. S. Fry, J. L. Usry, H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2021. 274: 114839.
Energy digestibility in novel corn and soybean proteins.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of rolled oats and concentration of crude protein on growth performance and fecal scores of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Zimmerman, L., M. S. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Phosphorus digestibility in novel corn and soybean proteins.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Investigations on different feeding strategies for weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Sangrovit Extra on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and immune parameters in pigs.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in corn germ meal and DDGS fed to pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of oxidized oil on the optimal Tryptophan:Lysine ratio for 25-40 kg growing pigs.
Investigators: Mathai, J. K., L. Blavi, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of increasing levels of soy protein concentrate in diets for growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in fish meal replacements fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lopez, D. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of increased dietary concentrations of microbial phytase on growth performance of growing pigs.
Investigators: Mesina, V, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Von Mesina’s MS thesis.
Effects of extrusion of soybean hulls on amino acid digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, M. R. C. de Godoy, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2020.4:1-9. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa169.
Amino acid digestibility in Fermex 200 fermented soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., M. S. F. Oliveira, L. V. Lagos, T. L. Weeden, A. J. Mercado, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:12, 1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa357.
Effect of low protein weanling pig diets on wean to finish growth performance of pigs.
Investigators: Christobal, M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Energy digestibility in a novel source of fermented soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., M. S. F. Oliveira, L. V. Lagos, T. L. Weeden, A. J. Mercado, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:12, 1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa357.
Effects of including high-lysine sorghum in diets for weanling pigs.
Investigators: Thomas, L. L., C. D. Espinosa, R. D. Goodband, H. H. Stein, M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, and J. M. DeRouchey.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 1–16. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa120.
Phosphorus digestibility in a novel source of fermented soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., M. S. F. Oliveira, L. V. Lagos, T. L. Weeden, A. J. Mercado, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:12, 1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa357.
Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Scores in human foods.
Investigators: J. K. Mathai., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of extrusion of sorghum and maize on amino acid digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., M. R. de Godoy and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of extrusion of soybean hulls on concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, M. R. C. de Godoy, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Transl. Anim. Sci. 2020.4:1-9. doi:10.1093/tas/txaa169.
Effects of extrusion of sorghum and maize on energy digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., M. R. de Godoy and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of Ca in commercial sources of dicalcium phosphate.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019.97:3440–3450.
Effects of single cell protein on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of cupper hydroxyl chloride on synthesis of microbial protein in the intestinal tract of growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2019, 97:4904–4911. doi:10.1093/jas/skz340.
Effects of an ethanol production co-product on digestibility of energy by weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of origin of dicalcium phosphate on phosphorus digestibility.
Investigators: Lopez, D. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of varying ratios between leucine and tryptophan on growth performance and plasma serotonin concentrations in growing pigs.
Investigators: Kwon, W. B., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of cupper hydroxyl chloride on expression of genes related to fat metabolism in growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98: 1-9. doi:10.1093/jas/skz369.
Effects of varying ratios among branched chained amino acids on N-balance of growing pigs.
Investigators: Kwon, W. B., J. A. Soto, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:11, 1–10. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa346.
Effects of expelling and extrusion of soybeans on energy digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:7, 1–8. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa215.
Effects of expelling and extrusion of soybeans on amino acid digestibility by growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:7, 1–8. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa2.
Synthesis of cysteine from methionine by weanling pigs: growth performance.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Relative bioavailability by nursery pigs of Zn in a novel source of Zn.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., L. Blavi, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of varying digestible calcium to digestible phosphorus ratios on growth performance of wean to finish pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., S. A. Lee, M. R. Bedford, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021.99:3, 1–11. doi:10.1093/jas/skab057.
Digestibility of amino acids in Sylpro yeast and fish meal fed to pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020, 98:1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skz375.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in Sylpro yeast and fish meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020, 98:1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skz375.
Digestible Indispensable Amino acid Score in plant proteins.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of a multi-carbohydrase and phytase complex supplementation to diets deficient in NE and nutrients on growth performance of growing and finishing pigs.
Investigators: Lopez, D. A. W. B. Kwon, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of a new mixture of soy protein and microbial protein on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lancheros, J. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Phosphorus digestibility in Sylpro yeast and fish meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020, 98:1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skz375.
Determination of DIAAS values in six proteins for human consumption.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Sci. Food Agric.
Effects of Sylpro yeast on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., L. V. Lagos, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:10, 1–9. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa307.
Effects of Bacillius on ileal digestibility of energy and amino acids and on total tract digestibility of energy and dietary fiber as well as synthesis of short chain fatty acids by growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of xylanase, β-glucanase, and hemicellulase on apparent total tract digestibility of energy, DM, Nitrogen retention, soluble dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber and total dietary fiber in corn based diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F.., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid absorption rates by pigs fed diets based on different protein concentrates.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of including Fermex 200 or Proplex DY in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Nitrogen balance of pigs fed diets with increasing concentrations of methionine or cysteine.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of dietary calcium concentrations on the digestibility, retention, and bone biomarkers by late-gestating sows.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., L. V. Lagos, M. R. Bedford, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 1–8. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa076.
Effects of copper sulphate and dicopper oxide on growth performance and its accumulation in liver when fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Blavi, L., D. Solà, A. Monteiro, J. F. Pérez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021. Vol. 99, No. 6, 1–8. doi:10.1093/jas/skab127.
Effect of Cu hydroxychloride on intestinal permeability and blood characteristics in pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., R. S. Fry, M. E. Kocher, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2020. 263:114447.
Digestible and metabolizable energy in heat-treated full fat soybean meal.
Investigators: Limbach, J. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of N-free diet on digestibility of amino acids.
Investigators: Lee, S. A. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of a direct fed microbial and enzyme premix on ileal digestibility of amino acids, fat, and starch, and total tract digestibility of GE and fiber in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of formulating diets based on a ratio between STTD Ca and STTD P and the inclusion of phytase on the calcium and phosphorus balance of growing pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., S. A. Lee, M. R. Bedford, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021. 99: 5, 1–7. doi:10.1093/jas/skab138.
Effect of Cu hydroxychloride and dietary fiber on growth performance of pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., R. S. Fry, M. E. Kocher, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2020. 263:114447.
Digestible indispensable amino acid scores in raw and roasted pistachio nuts.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Sci. Food. Agric. 2020. 100(10):3878-3885. doi:10.1002/jsfa.10429.
Effects of carbohydrases on energy and fiber digestibility in pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Sangrovit Extra on digestibility of amino acids in finishing pigs.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Effects of dietary protein level on intestinal permeability of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Limbach, J. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of a possible carryover effect of feeding spray dried plasma protein on the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids, starch, and acid hydrolyzed ether extract for nursery pigs.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Digestibility of calcium and phosphorus in two sources of phytase fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., Oliveira, M. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Growth performance and blood characteristics of young growing pigs fed diets containing Liquid Energy.
Investigators: Lee S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets supplemented with two different sources of phytase.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., Oliveira, M. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets supplemented with two different sources of phytase.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Sangrovit Extra on digestibility of energy in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Vit. D on mineral digestibility in gestating sows.
Investigators: Lee, S. A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Can. J. Anim. Sci.
Effects of Sangrovit Extra on digestibility of amino acids in growing pigs.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Digestibility of amino acids in a new source of DDGS compared with a conventional DDGS.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Relationship between Ca status of gestating sows and Ca and P balance, serum hormones, and serum concentrations of biomarkers for bone turnover.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., L. V. Lagos, M. R. Bedford, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021. Vol. 99, No. 6, 1–6. doi:10.1093/jas/skab149.
Digestibility of energy in a new source of DDGS compared with a conventional DDGS.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of phosphorus in a new source of DDGS and in conventional DDGS fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of PDCAAS and DIAAS values in 2 mixed proteins.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of phosphorus in two new sources of corn protein fed to growing pigs without or with addition of microbial phytase.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of intrinsic phytase from hybrid rye on P and Ca digestibility in a corn-soybean meal diet.
Investigators: Arch Toledo, J. L., S. A. Lee, M. L. McGhee, G. G. Mateos, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020. 98:10, 1–6. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa295.
Effects of dietary crude protein level on heat production and calculated values for net energy.
Investigators: Munoz, C. J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In C. J. Munoz’ Masters Thesis.
Effects of super dosing 4 different sources of phytase on ileal amino acid digestibility.
Investigators: Arch Toledo, J. L., S. A Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Coefficient of variance among calorimeter chambers in measured heat production and estimated net energy of a corn-soybean meal based diet.
Investigators: Munoz, C. J., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In C. J. Munoz’ Masters Thesis.
Digestibility of energy and nutrients in hybrid rye, corn, sorghum, barley and wheat.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Journal of Animal Science, 2020, Vol. 98, No. 7, 1–10. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa218.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in 11 sources of bakery meal.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of addition of hybrid rye to diets fed to gestating and lactating sows.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Concentration of DE and ME in 11 sources of bakery meal.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in heat treated full fat soybean meal.
Investigators: Limbach, J. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in heat treated soybean expellers.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., N. S. Fanelli, J. R. Limbach, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci., In Press.
Effects of copper hydroxychloride on growth performance of growing-finishing pigs.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of including increasing levels of hybrid rye in diets for weanling pigs.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Effects of enzyme processing on the standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal produced in Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, or the United States.
Investigators: Guevara, N. E., D. A. Rodriguez, S. A. Lee and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of galactooligosaccharidases and xylanases on digestibility of energy and nutrients in diets fed to pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestible and Metabolizable energy in soybean meal produced in Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, or the United States.
Investigators: Guevara, N. E., S. A. Lee and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of replacing corn with hybrid rye in diets for weanling pigs.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to. Transl. Anim. Sci.
Effects of origin of feed phosphates on digestibility of Ca.
Investigators: Lopez, D. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Composition of carbohydrates in corn fiber.
Investigators: Lancheros, J. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of dietary protein level on growth performance, intestinal morphology, immune parameters, and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Limbach, J. R., C. D. Espinosa, E. Perez-Calvo, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2021. Vol. 99, No. 6, 1–14. doi:10.1093/jas/skab166.
Determination of digestible indispensable amino acid scores in human foods.
IInvestigators: Fanelli, N. S., H. M. Bailey, L. Guadiola, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of hybrid rye on palatability of diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Effects of the pelleting process on amino acid digestibility in diets with increased levels of synthetic AA and reducing sugars.
Investigators: Lopez, D. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Analyzed concentrations of Ca and P in diets fed to pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to. J. Anim. Sci.
Effect of reducing the concentration of limestone and monocalcium phosphate in the diet on gastric pH, fecal score, growth performance, blood characteristics, and bone ash of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Transl. Anim. Sci.
Effects of dietary valine, isoleucine, and tryptophan supplementations to high leucine diets on nitrogen balance and growth performance of growing pigs.
Investigators: Kwon, W. B., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of dietary fiber on heat production, energy retention, and concentration of net energy in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in two sources of soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of increasing levels of enhanced torula yeast on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., L. V. Lagos, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 2020, 98:10, 1-9, doi10.1093/jas/skaa307.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in three sources of soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of phytase on ileal AA digestibility and total tract energy and nutrient digestibility in nursery pigs fed diets with different phytate levels.
Investigators: Oliveira, M.S.F, N. S. Fanelli, C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Digestibility of phosphorus in three sources of soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of different drying and sample preparation methods on the concentration of energy in urine and the concentration of metabolizable energy in diets fed to pigs.
Investigators: Haney, C. G., L. V. Lagos, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of amino acids in seven sources of sunflower meal.
Investigators: Ibagon, J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Digestibility of energy in heat-treated expelled soybean meal.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., N. S. Fanelli, J. R. Limbach, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. In Press.
Determination of a possible carryover effect of feeding spray dried plasma protein on ileal amino acid and starch digestibility in nursery pigs.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to. J. Anim. Sci.
Effect of feed sweetener and feed flavor on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Estimation of optimum requirements for valine and isoleucine in growing pigs fed diets containing excess leucine.
Investigators: Kwon, W. B., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of origin of feed phosphates on standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus.
Investigators: Lopez, D. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Additivity of DIAAS values in mixed meals of milk and cereal grains.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., S. A. Lee, H. M. Bailey, L. V. Guardiola, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Nutr. 2021. 11; 151(3):540-547. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxaa398.
Feed flavor in diets fed to gestating and lactating sows.
Investigators: Oliveira, M.S.F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of a possible carryover effect of feeding spray dried plasma protein on energy, fiber, Ca, and P digestibility in nursery pigs.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to. J. Anim. Sci.
Effect of graded levels of microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in bakery meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Luciano, A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Feed sweetener and feed flavor in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M.S.F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of dietary fiber on ileal digestibility of amino acids in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in fermented soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Charmaine, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in diets containing wheat middlings and fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in fermented soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Charmaine, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Interaction effects of supplemental threonine and probiotics in diets formulated with high fiber ingredient on ileal digestibility and total tract digestibility of energy, crude protein, fat, and dietary fiber by growing pigs.
Investigators: Charmaine, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of phosphorus in fermented soybean meal and in a conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Charmaine, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of amino acids in new sources of soybean meal fed to pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of increasing levels of casein on standardized ileal digestibility of AA.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Feed preference by weanling pigs in diets supplemented with feed sweetener and feed flavor.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Comparison of energy utilization in growing pigs, finishing pigs, and gestating sows fed diets based on corn or hybrid rye.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 102: 392–395. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjas-2021-0054.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in new sources of soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in new sources of soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of NexPro on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., J. Acosta, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. In Press.
Effects of replacing corn with hybrid rye in diets for growing pigs on growth performance.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 296, 115566. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2022.115566.
Effect of replacing corn with bakery meal in diets for weanling pigs.
Investigators: Luciano, A., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Effect of graded levels of phytase on the digestibility of Ca and P in diets fed to gestating sows.
Investigators: Charmaine, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of copper sulfate and dicopper oxide on growth performance and fat metabolism on weaninlig pigs fed a diet with DDGS.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., C. D. Espinosa, L. Blavi, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of isoquinoline alkaloids on nitrogen balance, and total tract digestibility of energy, Ca, and P by growing pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets formulated below amino acid requirements.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in enzyme-treated soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Isoquinoline alkaloids and narasin (Skycis) influence longissimus muscle quality but do not affect overall growth performance of finishing pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of organic acids and essential oils on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy in different sources of Sunflower meal.
Investigators: Ibagon, J. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of phytogenics on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of adding soybean hulls on apparent ileal digestibility and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal by growing pigs.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of Sylpro yeast on growth performance and gut health of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to. J. Anim. Sci.
Determination of the net energy in soybean meal fed to pigs using indirect calorimetry.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Chemical composition of feed ingredients from Asia.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to. Animal Bioscience.
Effects of reducing the concentration of calcium and phosphorus and increasing microbial phytase on gastric pH, fecal score, growth performance, blood metabolites, phytate degradation, and bone ash of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of phytase on weaning piglet performance when fed diets supplemented with pharmacological levels of Zn.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
The effect of spray dried plasma protein on growth performance, diarrhea scores, gut morphology, and immune parameters in nursery pigs fed a low protein diet.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., J. M. Campbell, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentration of metabolizable energy in fermented soybean meal and fermented soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., S. A. Lee, and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of isoquinoline alkaloids on growth performance, blood characteristics of growing pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets formulated below amino acid requirements.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Amino acid and starch digestibility in Enogen corn hybrid fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Rodriguez, D. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of PDCAAS and DIAAS for animal and plant based burgers, buns and the combination of buns and burgers.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., H. M. Bailey, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: European J. Nutr. Accepted with revisions.
Amino acid digestibility in high-protein and conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of graded levels of phytase on digestibility of Ca and P in diets fed to lactating sows.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in a new source of soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in two sources of hexane-extracted meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of increasing levels of phytase on phytate degradation, bone ash, plasma Ca, P, and inositol, and enzyme activity in pigs from 11 to 25 kg.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 100, 1–13. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac269.
Effect of spray dried plasma (SDP) on energy, fiber, Ca, and P digestibility in diets based on different ingredient combinations fed to nursery pigs.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Transl. Anim. Sci.
Effect of increasing levels of phytase and body weight of pigs on phytate degradation and nutrient digestibility of diets fed to pigs from 25 to 130 kg.
Investigators: Lagos, L. V., M. R. Bedford, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH-D3) and 1-alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol (1-α-OH-D3) on serum bone biomarkers and calcium and phosphorus balance and concentrations on energy in diets without or with microbial phytase fed to late gestation sows.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 100, 1–8. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac299.
Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in fermented soybean meal and fermented full fat soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Optimum concentration of spray dried plasma (SDP) for growth performance, diarrhea scores, gut morphology, and blood immune parameters in weaned pigs.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., J. M. Campbell, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of spray dried plasma (SDP) on reproductive performance, oxidative stress, and litter performance of sows subjected to heat stress and the subsequent growth performance of the pigs weaned from the sows.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of increasing levels of phytase on ileal and total tract digestibility of nutrients in diets fed to young pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of replacing corn with hybrid rye in diets for growing and finishing pigs on growth performance and carcass characteristics.
Investigators: McGhee, M. L. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 99: 12, 1–8. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab324.
Effect of corn protein on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Relative bioavailability by nursery pigs of Zn in a new source of Zn-glycinate.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of live yeast and Bacillus spp. on digestibility of energy and total dietary fiber and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy by growing and finishing pigs fed corn-based diets.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in high-oil corn and in conventional corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2021. 280:115040. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2021.115040.
Effect of phytase on digestibility of phosphorus and energy in high-oil corn and conventional corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2021. 280:115040. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2021.115040.
Amino acid digestibility in corn protein and two sources of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in high-protein and conventional soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of supplementing spray dried plasma (SDP) to diets on a low plane of nutrition on growth performance, diarrhea scores, gut morphology, and blood immune parameters of pigs in phase-2 of nursery.
Investigators: Bailey, H. M., J. M. Campbell, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Analyzed nutrient composition of ten different sources of soybeans.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in co-products of threonine and valine fermentation fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in cheese co-product, in fish meal, and in HP 300 fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mallea Ortiz, A. P., M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in co-products of threonine and valine fermentation fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in a cheese co-product, fish meal, and a HP 300 fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mallea Ortiz, A. P., M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and apparent ileal digestibility of starch in hybrid rye fed to growing pigs calculated using direct, regression, or difference procedures.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Concentrations of net energy in hybrid rye fed to growing pigs calculated using direct, regression, or difference procedures.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets with different inclusion levels of a cheese co-product.
Investigators: Mallea Ortiz, A. P., M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Amino acid digestibility in yeast protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in co-products of threonine and lysine fermentation fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in corn protein and two sources of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in three sources of corn protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in three sources of corn protein fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of isoquinoline alkaloids on growth performance, blood characteristics, and intestinal health of weanling pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets formulated below amino acid requirements.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of phosphorus in corn protein and two sources of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Evaluation of different sources of methionine in methionine deficient diets fed to finishing pigs (90-125 kg) on growth performance, feed efficiency, carcass composition, and meat quality traits.
Investigators: Dilger, A., C. L. Bradley, C. Gonzalez Vega, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Evaluation of hydrolyzed and non-hydrolyzed bovine plasma sources compared to soycomil P in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa C. D., J. M. Campbell, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 294, 115500.
Effects of increasing calcium from deficient to adequate concentration in diets on digestibility of amino acids in pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 292, 115436. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2022.115436
Effects of a probiotic Bacillus strain on ileal digestibility of crude protein, amino acids, starch, and fat and total tract digestibility of energy and dietary fiber in diets fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 100 (Suppl. 3) 118–119. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac247.228.
Determination of PDCAAS and DIAAS values in marine protein.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of amino acids, starch, and fiber and concentration of metabolizable energy in high-shear dry extruded corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in different sources of enzyme treated soybean meal and in conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of different watering options on net energy in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of increasing phytase dose at commercial phytate P level on basal endogenous loss of calcium and balance of phosphorus in pigs.
Investigators: Nelson, M., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: J. Anim. Sci. 100, 1–7. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac280.
Effects of increasing phytase dose on total tract digestibility of calcium, phosphorus, and energy in pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing different sources of sugars.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in two sources of hexane-extracted soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in co-products of threonine and lysine fermentation fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Enogen hybrid corn on digestibility of starch and amino acids in pelleted and non-pelleted diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of Enogen hybrid corn on digestibility of energy and total dietary fiber in pelleted and non-pelleted diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets based on conventional corn or high-oil corn.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 2021. 280:115040. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2021.115040.
Amino acid digestibility in corn, corn protein and two sources of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of two sources of ZnO on growth performance, post-weaning diarrhea, systemic inflammation, and Zn balance of nursery pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets.
Investigators: Rundle, C. M., M. Nelson, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in fermented soybean meal and fermented full fat soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and total dietary fiber by gestating-lactating sows and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in corn-based diets without or with exogenous xylanase.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of 1-hydroxycholecalciferol (1-OH-D3) on digestibility of dry matter, calcium, phosphorus, amino acids, and energy in diets without or with microbial phytase fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of heat treatment on digestibility of amino acids in corn.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in heat treated corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Apparent ileal digestibility of starch and amino acids and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in three sources of field peas with different particle sizes fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ibagon, J. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Translational Animal Science.
Concentration of net energy in three different sources of field peas with different particle sizes fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ibagon, J. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets with fermented SBM (FSBM) and fermented full-fat SBM (FFFSBM).
Investigators: Cristobal, M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of phosphorus in three different sources of field peas with different particle sizes fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Ibagon, J. A., and H. H. Stein
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of microbial phytase on digestibility of phosphorus in seven sources of sunflower meal fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ibagon, J. A., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of increasing phytase dose in diets containing P at or below the requirement on standardized ileal digestibility of amino acid in pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of increasing phytase dose in diets containing P at or below the requirement on standardized ileal digestibility of amino acid in pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of a novel direct fed microbial on ileal digestibility of starch and amino acids and total tract digestibility of energy by growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS) for milk fractions.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of different watering options on AA digestibility in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of phytase and NSP enzymes on ileal crude protein and amino acid digestibility and energy in growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of increasing phytase dose on ileal digestibility of phosphorus, calcium, amino acids, and starch in pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of graded levels of phytase on ileal Protein, energy and AA digestibility in growing pigs fed corn wheat-based diets with or without a xylanase, xylanase + beta glucanase and a protease.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of 1-alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol (1-α-OH-D3) on digestibility of amino acids and energy and calcium and phosphorus balance in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Apparent ileal digestibility of starch and amino acids and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in three sources of field peas with different particle sizes fed to growing pigs calculated using regression or difference procedures.
Investigators: Ibagon J., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Translational Animal Science.
Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in fermented soybean meal and fermented full fat soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., S. A. Lee, and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS) values for different food ingredients.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in fermented soybean meal and fermented soybeans fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., S. A. Lee, and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of phytogenics on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in finishing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Apparent total tract digestibility of energy and total dietary fiber and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in corn, wheat, or sorghum based diets without or with microbial enzymes when fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Interactive effects of pelleting and particle size reduction of corn on net energy and digestibility of fiber, fat, Ca, and P in corn-soybean meal diets fed to group-housed pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Effects of two sources of ZnO on growth performance, post-weaning diarrhea, and Zn status of weanling pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets.
Investigators: Nelson, M. E., C. M. Rundle, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of pelleting and particle size reduction of corn on amino acid digestibility in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of amino acids in ten sources of wheat middlings fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Technical feasibility of BioCapture as a method to determine nutrient digestibility.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy in ten sources of wheat middlings fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Concentration of net energy in soybean oil fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of amino acids in a new source of soybean expellers and in conventional soybean expellers when fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M. M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in a new source of soybean expellers and in conventional soybean expellers when fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M. M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
AA digestibility in corn diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of increasing phytase levels on standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in field peas fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ibagon, J. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of phosphorus in a new source of soybean expellers supplemented with different levels of phytase fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M. M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of dietary concentrations of crude protein and amino acids on ileal digestibility of AA by growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Determination of standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in diets containing different levels of soybean oil fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in high protein corn co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of enzymes on apparent ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids, and apparent total tract digestibility of energy, dietary fiber, and Ca and P in diets fed by growing pigs.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in high protein corn fermented products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of different corn sources on digestibility of starch and amino acids in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci..
Digestibility of phosphorus in high protein corn co-products fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Kim, Y., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effects of different corn sources and drying temperature on digestibility of energy and total dietary fiber in diets fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in nut hulls and in soybean hulls fed to growing pigs and gestating sows.
Investigators: Oliveira, M. S. F., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing a novel source of sugar and modified corn protein.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of benzoic acid, myristic acid, and probiotics on energy and nitrogen balance of young growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of benzoic acid, myristic acid, and probiotics on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of benzoic acid, myristic acid, and probiotics and increasing concentrations of choice white grease on growth performance of young growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in yeast protein and in fish meal fed to pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., S. A. Lee, and Hans H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in yeast protein and fish meal fed to young growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In Preparation.
Effect of xylanase and xylo-oligosaccharide on growth performance and gut health of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Estimation of the optimum Tryptophan:Lysine ratio for 25-50 kg growing pigs fed soybean meal or corn protein as a protein sources.
Investigators: Mallea, A. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effect of dietary leucine concentration on requirement for valine in diets for growing pigs.
Investigators: Mallea, A. P., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of different protein sources in P-free diets on the basal endogenous loss and retention of P by growing pigs.
Investigators: Nelson, M., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
Determination of DIAAS values in different egg products.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Concentration of net energy in SBM and crystalline AA based diets fed to group-housed pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., S. A. Lee, D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effect of feeding intact protein from soybean meal or crystalline amino acids on growth performance, protein synthesis, and immune system for growing pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., S. A. Lee, D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in low protein diets containing synthetic amino acids fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Cristobal, M., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Determination of DIAAS and PDCAAS values for seven BENEO protein concentrates.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Growth performance and intestinal health of weanling pigs fed diets containing high-protein corn co-products.
Investigators: Mallea, A., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Concentration of net energy in corn without or with microbial phytase fed to group-housed pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., D. A. Rodriguez, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of source of calcium carbonate and microbial phytase on apparent total tract digestibility of calcium.
Investigators: Nelson, M. E., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effect of increasing levels of phytase on mineral and N balance and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in diets fed to young growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Evaluation of new xylanases in diets for pigs.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of mannanase on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of amino acids in corn coproducts fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effect of Olextra 1200 on performance and intestinal health of sows and weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., J. P. Acosta, S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in yeast protein and fish meal fed to young growing pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of an exogenous protease on ileal digestibility of starch and amino acids and total tract digestibility of energy by growing pigs.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Determination of digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) values for milk proteins.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., C. F. R. Martins, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Bioavailability of methionine sources on nitrogen retention of weanling pigs fed diets low in crude protein.
Investigators: Acosta, J. P., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of yeast protein on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Espinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) in pork products.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effects of different levels of enzyme on apparent ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids, and apparent total tract digestibility of energy, dietary fiber, and Ca and P in diets fed by growing pigs.
Investigators: Mallea, A. P., S. A. Lee, M. S. F. Oliveira, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of a mycelium supplement on growth performance of weanling pigs.
Investigators: Mallea, A. P., C. D., Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effect of feeding graded levels of a phytogenic formulation on plasma concentrations in pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Effects of fasting time on heat production of group-housed pigs.
Investigators: Fanelli, N. S., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Evaluation of Biomega products in diets for humans and companion animals.
Investigators: Nelson, M. E., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Digestibility of energy by gestating and lactating sows and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in diets containing pistachio shell powder or soybean hulls.
Investigators: Kim, Y., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Effect of feeding graded levels of a phytogenic formulation on plasma concentrations in pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A. and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of net energy in corn coproducts fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Amino acid digestibility in yeast protein and in soybean meal fed to pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., C. D. Espinosa, N. S. Fanelli, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Human milk oligosaccharide-dependent engraftment of Bifidobacterium infantis (Bi) in pigs.
Investigators: EEspinosa, C. D., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Digestibility of phosphorus in corn coproducts fed to weanling pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets supplemented with zinc oxide or tannic acid.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Energy release values for fat emulsifier fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., C. D. Espinosa, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Apparent ileal digestibility of fructans in a corn-soybean meal diet fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ibagon, J. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.
Amino acid digestibility in five sources of extruded full-fat soybeans fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ruiz-Arias N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Interactive effects of reducing particle size and extrusion on concentrations of digestible energy and metabolizable energy in corn fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Marshall, C. M., S. A. Lee and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Digestibility of energy and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in 5 sources of extruded full-fat soybeans fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ruiz-Arias, N., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Digestibility of phosphorus in 5 sources of extruded full-fat soybeans fed to growing pigs.
Investigators: Ruiz-Arias, N., S. A. Lee, J. Torres-Mendoza, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Feed preference of growing pigs fed diets containing different particle size of extruded corn.
Investigators: Marshall, C. M., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein.
Publication: In preparation.
Evaluation of plasma products and duration of feeding on weaned piglet growth performance.
Investigators: Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein.
Publication: NA.