Sarah successfully passed her preliminary examinations towards her PhD degree.
Dr. Stein assumed the responsibility as Interim Executive Director of the National Soybean Research Laboratory, Urbana IL ( This is a 25% appointment that Dr. Stein will complete in addition to his current responsibilities in the Animal Science Laboratory.
New publications:
Stein, H. H., T. E. Sauber, D. W. Rice, M. A. Hinds, B. L. Smith, G. Dana, D. N. Peters, and P. Hunst. 2009. Growth performance and carcass composition of pigs fed corn grain from DAS-01507-1 (Herculex 1) hybrids. Prof. Anim. Scientist. 25:689-694.
Kim, B. G., and H. H. Stein. 2009. A spreadsheet program for making a balanced Latin square design. Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu. 22:591-596.
Lab activities:
Caroline initiated an experiment to measure amino acid digestibility in sunflower, canola, and cottonseed products.
Oscar started an experiment to measure effects of enzymes on ileal and total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients in pigs.
Grant completed the animal work of an experiment to measure amino acid digestibility in different feed ingredients fed to weanling pigs.
Pedro completed his work with the in vitro procedure to measure digestibility of DM and fiber.
Dr. Kim travelled to South Korea for a second interview and was offered the job as Assistant Professor at KonKuk University in Seoul, South Korea.
The entire group travelled to Indiana to visit Elanco Animal Health and Purdue University.