December 2011 Lab News


Soares, J. A., V. Singh, H. H. Stein, R. Srinavasan, and J. E. Pettigrew. 2011. Short Communication: Enhanced distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) has greater concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy than DDGS when fed to growing and finishing pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1-5.


Jung Lee successfully defended his Master's thesis entitled "Evaluation of corn germ and DDGS in diets fed to pigs."

Jung Lee poses with his Master's thesis committee.

Jung Lee and his Master's thesis committee


Afterward, we celebrated Jung's success over dinner.

celebrating Jung's defense

Personnel changes

Jung Wook Lee has completed his Master's degree, and is leaving our lab to embark on his new career. Congratulations, Jung, and we wish you the best of luck.

Dr. Minho Song joined the lab as a post-doctoral research fellow. We look forward to working with him.

Lab activities

John and Diego finished animal work on an experiment for Danisco.

Caroline started an experiment to determine site of net absorption of calcium from the intestinal tracts of growing pigs.


Oscar Rojas went home to Colombia between finishing his Master's degree and starting his Ph. D. program in the spring.

Dr. Stein traveled to Florida for winter vacation.