July 2016 Lab News


Congratulations to Gloria Casas, who received the Wilson G. Pond Travel Award at the ASDA-ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS Joint Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. She plans to use the award to attend the 67th annual EAAP meeting in Belfast in late August.

Gloria and Dr. Stein celebrate Gloria's award

Gloria and Dr. Stein celebrate Gloria's award

Personnel changes

Kelsey Duensing, who has worked in our lab since April 2015, is leaving to attend vet school at the University of Missouri in Columbia.

Laia Blavi returned as a visiting scholar for the month of July. She has now returned to Barcelona to complete her Ph. D.

Best wishes for the future to Kelsey and Laia!

Travel and visitors

Members of the lab traveled to Salt Lake City for the Joint Annual Meeting on July 19-23. Yue presented a poster, and she and Gloria gave oral presentations.

Jerubella, Charmaine, Laia, and Gloria at JAM 2016, with alumna Caroline González-Vega

Jerubella, Charmaine, Laia, and Gloria at JAM 2016, with alumna Caroline González-Vega (back).