On June 7 and 8th, Dr. Stein participated in the World Pork Expo, he gave a talk at the Hamlet Protein tent and also met with many former graduate students.
Personnel changes
We have 2 new students: Bibiana Jaramillo is our newest Ph D student, she is from Medellin - Colombia. Bibiana's work will focus in Ca, P and Vitamin D. and Yeonwoo Kim is our newest Master student who already star with experiments at the farm. Welcome to our team!
Elizabeth Guevara is our new Lab manager and also she will continue the work she has been doing in our team, with newsletter, social media, and database as well.
New Experiments
Yeonwoo Kim started two experiments: one experiment is about analyzing the digestibility of energy by gestating and lactating sows and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in diets containing nut hulls or soybean hulls. This experiment contains 3 different diets, basal, nut hulls, and soybean hulls. The inclusion rate of nut hulls and soybean hulls is 20 percent. Pistachio hulls, the by-product of pistachio, are a good fiber source that could be added to animal diets. And the second experiment is about analyzing the metabolizable energy in soybean hulls when fed to growing pigs or sows. There are three different types of diets being analyzed, basal, soybean meal with 48 percent crude protein, and soybean hulls. The inclusion rate of soybean meal is 30 percent while it is 20 percent for soybean hulls.
Dr. Stein gave some talks in English and Spanish during May and June in different places around the world:
- May 24, "Feeding of the future", at Northern Crops Institute webinar series. Fargo, ND.
- June 7, about: "Energy, Protein, and Mineral Nutrition of weanling pigs", at Hamlet Protein Nutrition Update, World Pork Expo, Des Moines, IA.
- June 20, "Fibra en la nutrición de los cerdos" and "Vitamina D y metabolitos de vitamina D en dietas para cerdos", at Pork Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
- June 27, "Fibra en dietas porcinas y uso de xilanasa microbiana" and "Nutrición mineral (Ca, P, y fitasa) en cerdos post destete" at the Asociación de Porcicultores de Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.
Peer-reviewed publications:
Ibagon, Jimena A., Su A Lee, and Hans H. Stein. 2023. Metabolizable energy and apparent total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients differ among samples of sunflower meal and sunflower expellers fed to growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 101, 1–8.
Lancheros, Jeimmy Paola, Charmaine D. Espinosa, Roelant Hilgers, Mirjam A. Kabelb, and Hans H. Stein. 2023. Ferulic and coumaric acid in corn and soybean meal-based diets and in feces from pigs fed these diets. J. Sci. Food Agric. 103: 5171–5176. doi 10.1002/jsfa.12572.