Jimena Ibagon got the Wilson Pond International Travel Scholarship Award. Also Andrea Mallea won the second place on the MS competition at the ASAS Midwest meeting, Madison - Wisconsin, 2024.
New Experiments
Diego Rodriguez and the visiting scholars at the farm started a new experiments called "Total tract digestibility by weanling pigs of coated or uncoated micro minerals".
Doctor Stein gave 2 conferences at the Midwest ASAS Meeting, Madison WI. March 11-13, 2024:
- Net energy in soybean meal
- Phytase effects on digestibility of Ca and P
ASAS Midwest meeting Madison- Wisconsin, 2024 oral and poster presentation:
- Our Post Doctor Su A Lee talked about: "Effects of increasing dietary protein concentration on digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs".
- Minoy Cristobal Ph D student talked about: "Effect of feeding intact protein from soybean meal instead of crystalline amino acids on growth performance, protein synthesis, and immune response of growing pigs" and he also presented a poster about: "Effect of feeding intact protein from soybean meal instead of crystalline amino acids on energy and nitrogen balance by growing pigs".
- Jessica Acosta, Ph D student presented about: "Effects of xylanase or a stimbiotic on growth performance and total tract digestibility of nutrients by pigs weaned from sows fed a lactation diet without or with xylanase".
- Jimena Ibagon Ph D student talked about: "Reduction of particle size of field peas increases net energy and digestibility of starch when fed to growing pigs.
- Andrea Mallea Master student talked about: "Supplementation of Valine, Isoleucine, and Tryptophan may overcome the negative effects of dietary excess Leucine in high protein corn protein when fed to weanling pigs".
- Camilo Ruiz, master student presented about: "Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and concentration of metabolizable energy in three sources of corn protein fed to weanling pigs".
- Juliana Martins visiting scholar presented a poster about: "Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) in pork products".
Peer-reviewed publications:
Espinosa Charmaine D., Leidy J. Torres-Mendoza, Jonathan R. Bergstrom, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Influence of a novel phytase on Ca and P digestibility in diets fed to sows in late-gestation and lactation. Animal Feed Science and Technology 309 (2024) 115906.
Extension Publication:
Ruiz-Arias, N. C., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein. 2024. Is there a nutritional difference in full-fat soybeans fed to growing pigs? National Hog Farmer. On-line.