Maryane Sespere Oliveira graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Animal Science from the Federal University of Mato Grosso-Brazil in 2009. In 2011, she earned her Master's degree from the same university. Her thesis was about mannanoligosaccharides and β-glucan in diets fed to lactation sows.
In 2015, she came to the Stein lab as a visiting scholar. In her eight months here, she did three experiments on digestibility of energy, amino acids and phosphorus in soy protein concentrate and in soybean meal fed to weanling pigs. She then returned to State University of Sao Paulo-Brazil and earned her Ph. D. in Animal Science, studying the effect of dietary inclusion of insoluble fiber from sugar cane on finishing pigs.
In 2017, Maryane returned to the Stein Lab as a postdoctoral research fellow.