November 2009 Lab News

New publications:

Boucher, S. E., S. Calsamiglia, C. M. Parsons, H. H. Stein, M. D. Stern, P. S. Erickson, P. L. Utterback, and C. G. Schwab. 2009. Intestinal digestibility of amino acids in rumen undegraded protein estimated using a precision-fed rooster bioassay: II. Distillers dried grains with solubles and fish meal. J. Dairy Sci. 92:6056-6067.

Kim, B. G., G. I. Petersen, R. B. Hinson, G. L. Allee, and H. H. Stein. 2009. Amino acid digestibility and energy concentration in a novel source of high-protein distillers dried grains and their effects on growth performance of pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 87:4013-4021.

Publications on the way:

Dr. Kim submitted a manuscript to J. Sci. Food. Agric.

Kurtis submitted a manuscript to the Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci.

Sarah submitted a manuscript to J. Anim. Sci.

Dr. Kim submitted a manuscript to Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu.

Pedro, Sarah, and Dr. Stein completed a book chapter on the nutritive value of fiber in swine nutrition.

Lab activities:

Caroline completed the animal work of her soybean meal digestibility experiment and is now processing the samples.

Won Seok started analyzing mucin samples for stable isotopes and looks forward to soon being able to calculate the fractional rate of synthesis of mucin in the intestines of pigs.

Pedro got his in vitro procedure for DM, energy and fiber digestibility established in the laboratory.

Grant conducted a digestibility experiment towards his dissertation.

Scott started analysis of samples from his phosphorus experiments.


Dr. Kim travelled to South Korea to talk with colleagues.

Dr. Stein travelled to Fargo, North Dakota, to work with colleagues at North Dakota State University on two manuscripts about the nutritive value of field peas fed to growing pigs.


Ferdinando and Dr. Stein met with Dr. Campbell, DSM Nutritional Products.