November 2011 Lab News


Almeida, F. N., G. I. Petersen, and H. H. Stein. 2011. Digestibility of amino acids in corn, corn coproducts, and bakery meal fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 89:4109-4115.


Oscar successfully defended his Master's thesis entitled "Nutritional evaluation of fermented soybean meal fed to weanling pigs" on November 29. He will be starting his Ph. D. program in the spring. Congratulations, Oscar!

Oscar Rojas and his Master's thesis committee
Oscar Rojas and his Master's thesis committee


Lab activities

Tanawong finished animal work on experiments to determine amino acid digestibility and energy digestibility in canola meal.


Jin Yoon, Sarah Cervantes-Pahm, Neil Jaworski, Oscar Rojas, and Dr. Stein participated in the Grain and Soy Summit in St. Louis. Dr. Stein chaired a session at the meeting and gave a presentation entitled: "Use of soybean products in diets for swine."

Dr. Stein traveled to Madrid, Spain, to participate in the Spanish Feed Association Annual Meeting. He gave two presentations entitled: "Alternative ingredients for the pig industry" and "Standardized digestibility of phosphorus in diets fed to pigs."

Kate Horsman traveled to Adelaide, South Australia for the Australasian Pig Science Association Conference.