November 2015 Lab News


Caroline González-Vega, Gloria Casas, and Neil Jaworski were celebrated at the Department Student Scholarship Award ceremony.

Diego Navarro passed his prelims on November 30. Congratulations to Diego, Caroline, Gloria, and Neil!

Personnel changes

Trine Pedersen finished her time as a visiting scholar with us, and is now back in Denmark. She writes: "Hi everyone, I wish you guys a happy thanksgiving and some joyful holidays ☺."

Lab activities

John started an experiment to compare the bioavailability of various isomers of methionine through a measure of N-balance and other biomarkers.

Yue She finished an experiment on the effects of phytase on STTD of calcium in milk co-products fed to growing pigs.

Jeru and Haley finished an experiment to determine the effects of microbial xylanases on degradation of fiber along the intestinal tract.

Travel and visitors

Dr. Kelly Peper and Shelly Tiede (née Widmer), former grad students in our lab, visited on November 17. Kelly and Shelly work at Ralco Animal Nutrition, and talked about their work as well as things they wish they had known before going to work in industry.

Dr. Stein presented a webinar at the Whey Protein Advisory Annual Meeting 2015 in Washington DC on Nov. 18, 2015. The title of the presentation was this: "Protein Quality Scoring (DIAAS) update"

We hosted Jacob R. Sørensen from Denmark on Nov 23-24. Jacob is an agricultural student in Denmark and is enrolled in the International MAST program at the University of Minnesota. He has spent 9 months working on a swine farm in MN and since September, he has been enrolled in a swine production program at Minnesota.


González-Vega, J. C., C. L. Walk, and H. H. Stein. 2015. Digestible calcium requirements for 25 to 50 kg pigs. Memorias XVII Congreso Bienal AMENA. Puerto Vallarta, Jal. Mexico.

Rojas, O. J. and H. H. Stein. 2015. Effects of reducing the particle size of corn grain on the concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy and on the digestibility of energy and nutrients in corn grain fed to growing pigs. Livest. Sci. 181:187-193.

Li, Z., X. Wang, P. Guo, L. Liu, X. Piao, H. H. Stein, D. Li, and C. Lai. 2015. Prediction of digestible and metabolisable energy in soybean meals produced from soybeans of different origins fed to growing pigs. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 69:473-486.