October 2013 Lab News


Almeida, F. N., J. K. Htoo, J. Thomson, and H. H. Stein. 2013. Amino acid digestibility in camelina products fed to growing pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93:335-343.

Rojas, O. J., and H. H. Stein. 2013. Effects of reducing the particle size of corn on the digestibility of energy and nutrients and growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs. Proceedings of the 2013 Allen D. Leman Swine conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, September 14-17, 2013.

Stein, H. H. 2013. Digestibility of amino acids in diets and ingredients fed to pigs and poultry. 26th Annual PHILSAN Convention, Yapak, Boracay, Philippines, October 4, 2013.

Rojas, O. J., Y. Liu, and H. H. Stein. 2013. Phosphorus digestibility and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in corn, corn coproducts, and bakery meal fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 91:5326-5335.

Personnel changes

Marcia DeSouza Vieira finished her month here as a visting scholar and returned to Brazil. She is scheduled to complete her Ph. D. at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul early next year. Good luck, Marcia!

Lab activities

Caroline finished animal work for a study about the effect of fiber, oil, and using different types of diets to determine the digestibility of calcium in fish meal.

Oscar finished lab work for his experiment to determine DE and ME concentration in DDGS that has been pretreated to improve fiber digestibility.

Tanawong finished an in vitro study of energy digestibility of canola and rapeseed meal.

Neil finished animal work for a study of DE and ME concentration in high protein canola meal fed to growing pigs.

Jessica finished animal work on the second half of an experiment to compare DE and ME of feed ingredients in sows compared with growing pigs.

Kate finished animal work for three experiments: one on the digestibility of micro minerals in growing pigs fed diets containing extruded minerals, one on performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing fermented soybean meal, and one on the bioefficacy of different phytase enzymes. She also started a study of amino acid digestibility in rice co-products fed to growing pigs and one one the effects of replacing fish meal with enzyme-treated soybean meal on weanling pig performance.


Dr. Stein went to the Philippines to give a presentation on "Digestibility of amino acids in diets and ingredients fed to pigs and poultry" at the 26th Annual PHILSAN (Philippine Society of Animal Nutritionists) Convention in Boracay. Next, he travelled to Japan, where he spoke about "Use of soybean products in diets for swine" in Tokyo, Kirishima, and Sendai. Finally, he gave a talk in China about feed ingredient evaluation.

Dr. Stein also visited DuPont in St. Louis on October 31 to present data from a trial on amino acid digestibility in three soy protein products.

Dr. Stein speaking at the 26th Annual PHILSAN Convention

Dr. Stein speaking at the 26th Annual PHILSAN Convention

Oscar travelled to the 36th Congreso Argentino de Producción Animal in Corrientes, Argentina. Oscar received two travel awards from the American Society of Animal Science earlier this year, and chose to use them to attend this conference because it was about technology and techniques in feed ingredients, which fits well with his research.