October 2018 Lab News


Our team attended the International Swine Industry Symposium in Shanghai, China on October 24th and 25th. 

Current and former Stein Lab members


New experiments

Molly McGhee started an experiment on the effects of replacing corn with hybrid rye in diets for gestating and lactating sows.

Woongbi Kwon started two experiments: on effects of varying ratios between leucine and tryptophan on growth performance and plasma serotonin concentrations in growing pigs, and effects of varying ratios among branched chained amino acids on N-balance of growing pigs.

Su A Lee started an experiment on Effects of dietary calcium concentrations on the digestibility, retention, and blood markers by late-gestating sows. 



Dr. Hans H. Stein traveled to China to give talks for conferences in:

  1. Phytate summit in Shanghai, China, October 22-23: He spoke about "Digestible calcium requirements for growing pigs" and "Alternative protein sources for pigs".
  2. China Swine Industry Symposium, Shanghai, China, October 25: His presentation was about "Digestible phosphorus and digestible calcium for growing pigs".
  3. SuChiang feed industry symposium, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Oct. 29: He gave 3 talks: "Fiber in feed ingredients",  "Calcium requirements of pigs", and "Use of phytase in diets for pigs".
  4. Arla Foods, Health and Performance Nutrition Seminar, Beijing, China, Oct. 31, 2018: He spoke about "The new DIAAS vs. PDCAAS method in evaluating protein quality".


 Graduate Student Hannah Bailey participated in the International Swine Industry Symposium, and she gave a presentation abourt her research in digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) in cereal grains, plant proteins, and animal proteins.

She had a chance to visit with distinguished Professor Paul Moughan from The Riddet Institute in New Zealand. Dr. Moughan is a world authority in amino acid nutrition in humans and animals and he was impresed by Hannah's research.

She also attended an invitational seminar on the Research and Development of Dairy Ingredients for Infant Formula and Health & Performance Nutrition in Beijing, China on Oct. 31st and Nov. 1st.


Woongbi Kwon went to the 5th Evonik Doctoral Student Seminar on September 27 - 30 at Mobile, Alabama. Evonik North America Technical Team has been conducting this annual seminar since 2014. Twelve Ph.D students from various universities who are specialized in the fields of swine nutrition, poultry nutrition, and gut health participated in the seminar.