Editor's Note
The current issue of the newsletter contains the following:
- A research report on fiber digestibility in distillers co-products fed to growing pigs.
- A current comment entitled "Alternatives to fish meal in diets fed to weanling pigs" in which the possibility of using two new sources of soybean meal instead of fish meal is discussed.
- Two new video podcasts from the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory.
- A new press release entitled "Stein named 2010 American Feed Industry Association Award winner."
Hans H Stein
Research Report
Digestibility of dietary fiber in distillers coproducts fed to growing pigs
Fiber digestibility is one factor in the efficiency of energy utilization in fibrous feed ingredients. Fiber can be digested via fermentation in the ileum or in the hindgut.
Fecal matter and ileal digesta from pigs fed one of 29 different diets were analyzed to measure the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dietary fiber in different sources of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and to calculate hindgut fermentation (HGF) of dietary fiber in DDGS fed to growing pigs.
Current Comment
Alternatives to fish meal in diets fed to weanling pigs
Increased global demand for fish meal has resulted in rapidly increased costs of fish meal during the last 6 month. The recent shutdown of many fish processing facilities in the Gulf area has exacerbated the situation and many producers are no longer able to secure fish meal for their pigs. It is, therefore necessary to look for alternatives to fish meal in diets fed to swine.
New video podcasts
July 8: Impact of sulfur on palatability and performance of pigs fed DDGS-diets
Dr. Hans H Stein discusses research conducted to determine the effects of sulfur concentrations in swine diets on feed preference and growth performance of weanling and growing-finishing pigs.
Graduate student Ferdinando N. Almeida discusses results of research conducted to determine the effects of using a new phytase product in diets fed to weanling and growing pigs.
New press release
Stein named 2010 American Feed Industry Association Award winner
URBANA – Hans H. Stein, University of Illinois associate professor of animal nutrition, received the 2010 American Feed Industry Association Award in Non-Ruminant Nutrition Research Monday at the American Society of Animal Sciences national meeting in Denver.
Stein’s laboratory focuses on digestive physiology research. His research team has extensive experience in measuring energy and nutrient digestibility in feed ingredients fed to pigs.