228 Animal Sciences Laboratory
1207 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
Email: sualee2@illinois.edu
Su A Lee is originally from Seoul, Republic of Korea. She received BS and MS degrees in Animal Science from Konkuk University, Korea. The MS research project was focused on developing prediction equations to evaluate energy values in feed ingredients fed to growing pigs under the supervision of Dr. Beob Gyun Kim. Through this project they first validated the prediction equations previously published in Europe and tried to develop the best models using chemical compositions and novel in vitro systems. She was also involved in experiments to evaluate feed ingredients for pigs available in Korea and to demonstrate effects of amino acids forms on nitrogen balance.
Upon completion of her Master’s degree, she came to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in August 2016 to start her Ph.D. studies with Dr. Hans Stein. Su A’s research towards her Ph.D. degree was focused on area of macrominerals- specifically in the digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients fed to gestating sows and growing pigs and the use of microbial phytase. The digestibility of Ca and P in different sources of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphates, and corn and soybean meal-based diets fed to growing pigs or gestating sows has been evaluated as well. Effect of supplementing microbial phytase to corn-based diets on the digestibility of Ca by growing pigs and gestating sows has also been demonstrated. In addition to the research related to Dissertation, she participated in experiments that were conducted in the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory to determine the nutritional values in a number of feed ingredients including different sources of corn coproducts and soy products, extruded grains and soyhulls, heat-treated soy products, bakery coproducts, and other particular products produced from various feed companies. Dr. Stein and she also have conducted several experiments looking toward methodological improvement for determining digestibility of amino acids and P in feed ingredients and diets fed to pigs.
In February 2020, she earned her Ph.D and joined Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory as a Postdoctoral Research Associate.
Curriculum Vitae (.pdf format)