January 2020 Lab News


January 30th, Su A Lee successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Her Presentation was inspiring and thoughtful and she did a fantastic job at her defense. Big congratulations Su A.


January 29th, PhD Student Vanessa Lagos received the David H. Baker Nutrition Scholar Award for excellence in research originally and creativity. Congratulation to Vanessa!!!


Kate Stewart got a travel scholarship, and she attended the Banff Pork Seminar in Banff, Alberta, Canada. Highlights were talks about Sense, Nonsense, and Science by Dr. Joe Schwarcz, Wild Boars in Canada by Dr. Ryan Brook, and several greats talks on the subject of African Swine Fever. 

Personnel changes

We have two new visiting scholar: Alice Luciano is from Como - Italy. She is a Ph D. student at the University of Milan. She will spend the next 6 months in our laboratory. And, Nelson Camilo Ruiz, from Colombia, he holds a Bachelors degree in Animal Sciences from the National University of Colombia in Bogota. Camilo will assist Kate in conducting research at the Swine Research Center.

Dr. Lía Guardiola finished her time as a Post - doctoral research fellow and she went to start a new life in Spain.


Travel and visitors

Dr. Stein travelled to Orlando, FL, on January 7-8 for a meeting at the NCCC-42 committee on swine nutrition.

On January 15, we hosted a delegation of officials from the Japanese Government. They were in Illinois to learn about the U. S. feed industry.



Ruiz, N., C.M. Parsons, H. H. Stein, C.N. Coon, J. E. van Eys, and R. D. Miles. 2020. A review: 100 years of soybean meal, A historical look at the soybean and its use for animal feed. Feedstuffs. January 24, 2020.

Cristhiam J. Muñoz, 2020. M. S. Thesis: Description and Commissioning of a Novel Swine Calorimeter Unit to Calculate Heat Production and Net Energy in Group-Housed Pigs