August 2024 Lab News


PhD student Jessica Acosta passed her preliminary exam. Another step towards the PhD degree is completed. Big congratulations to Jessica.


New Experiments

Diego Rodriguez started at the farm 3 new experiments: "Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in diets containing different levels of soybean hulls fed growing pigs”, Effects of Using Jefo Matrix Technology on Coenzymes (Vitamins), Cofactors of Enzymes (Trace Minerals), and Enzymes for the Optimization of Nutrition in Nursery Pigs” and “Determination of digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) values of novel and alternative protein sources and protein-rich ingredients”.



On Aug. 28, Dr. Stein gave 3 talks in Spanish for AHPROCEM in San Pedro Sula in Honduras: 

  1. Uso de technología de alimentos para mejorar el valor nutricional de las dietas para cerdos
  2. Nuevos productos de soya para lechones
  3. Conceptos en energía para cerdos

And On Aug. 30, he gave the a presentation for APOGUA in Chiquiemula, Guatamala in Spanish as well: Nutrición de cerdos destetados.


Personnel changes

Diego Rodriguez our Farm Manager change his status on our lab as a Senior Research Specialist in Monogastric Nutrition. 

Marta Martínez finished her time on our team and come back to Spain to continue working at the Food Proteins group in the Institute of Food Science research (CIAL) and finish the in vitro part of her experiment with seaweeds.



Peer-reviewed publications:

Stein, Hans H. 2024. The pig is an excellent model to determine amino acid digestibility of human foods and to generate data needed to meet human amino acid requirements. Front. Nutr. 11:1434430. DOI 10.3389/fnut.2024.1434430 

Bailey, H. M., N. S. Fanelli, J. M. Campbell, H. H Stein. 2024. Addition of Spray-Dried Plasma in Phase 2 Diets for Weanling Pigs Improves Growth Performance, Reduces Diarrhea Incidence, and Decreases Mucosal Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines. Animals 2024, 14, 2210.

Extension Publication:

Cristobal, M., S. A Lee, and H. H. Stein2024. Diet protein concentration does not influence net energy. National Hog Farmer. On-line edition. Aug. 29, 2024.