Editor's Note
The current issue of the newsletter contains the following:
Two research reports: one on energy concentration and amino acid digestibility in high protein and low oligosaccharide soybeans, and one on amino acid digestibility in canola meal samples subjected to different treatments. -
A podcast on the energy value of low-fat and de-oiled DDGS fed to pigs. -
A press release reporting on preliminary research into the possibility of improving fiber digestion in pigs. -
Information about the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory's new YouTube channel.
I hope you will find this information useful. To subscribe to the newsletter, please visit http://nutrition.ansci.illinois.edu/newsletter.
Hans H Stein
Research Reports
Soybean meal is the most commonly used protein source in swine diets in the United States. In addition to conventional soybeans, researchers have bred varieties of soybeans to meet various nutritional needs of pigs. For example, soybeans low in oligosaccharides have been developed for feeding to weanling pigs, who cannot digest the oligosaccharides in conventional soybeans and may suffer reduced performance and even illness as a result. High protein soybean varieties have also been developed.
Existing information on the nutritional value of high protein and low oligosaccharides soybean varieties in swine diets is incomplete. There is no difference in digestible energy, metabolizable energy, or digestibility of crude protein and amino acids between non-dehulled high protein full fat soybeans (FFSB-HP) and non-dehulled conventional full fat soybeans (FFSB-CV). There are, however, no data on the digestibility of protein, amino acids, and energy in dehulled FFSB-HP, although most soybeans are de-hulled prior to being used in diets fed to pigs. Similarly, there is no difference in digestible and metabolizable energy or amino acid digestibility between soybean meals produced from low oligosaccharide soybeans and conventional varieties, but there are no data on values for low oligosaccharide full fat soybeans (FFSB-LO).Therefore, two experiments were conducted to determine standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids as well as values for digestible and metabolizable energy in de-hulled conventional, high protein, and low oligosaccharide full fat soybeans.
Amino acid digestibility in four sources of canola meal and soybean meal fed to growing pigs
Due to the increasing demand for protein for livestock feeding, the interest in using canola meal in diets fed to swine is increasing. Canola meal is a product of the rapeseed plant, an abundant oilseed crop grown in Canada, the Northern United States, and parts of Europe. The oil is extracted for use in cooking and agriculture, leaving a high-protein meal that can be used in livestock feeding. Although the concentration of protein and amino acids and the amino acid profile of canola meal is less desirable than that of soybean meal, its relatively low cost may make it an attractive option for producers. Recently, new varieties of canola that contain more protein and less fiber have been selected. The de-oiled meals of these varieties have a concentration of crude protein that is close to that of de-hulled soybean meal. However, there is no information about the digestibility of amino acid in high protein canola meal when fed to pigs.
It has also been speculated that changes in the traditional pre-press solvent extraction oil removal procedure may improve the quality of canola meal. The traditional procedure involves use of heat to desolventise the de-oiled meal, but a new procedure allows for production of canola meal using a low-temperature procedure. There are, however, no comparative data between meals produced using the traditional high temperature procedure and meals produced using the low-temperature procedure.
June 12: Energy value of low-fat and de-oiled DDGS to pigs
Dr. Hans H. Stein presents the results of research into the concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in new DDGS products with reduced fat content.
Press release
Finding ways to feed pigs for less
URBANA – Results of a preliminary experiment conducted at the University of Illinois indicate that it may be possible to select pigs that can make efficient use of energy in less expensive feed ingredients, thus reducing diet costs.
Less expensive feed is usually higher in fiber than the corn-soy diets typically used in U.S. swine production, explained Hans H. Stein, professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. However, the white breeds that are used in commercial pork production use only about 40 percent of the insoluble fiber. “If you can increase that number to 50 or 60 or 70 percent, then of course, you would get a much better use of the energy in those ingredients," Stein explained.
New YouTube Channel
The Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory video podcasts can now be viewed on our new YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/SteinNutritionLab. All video podcasts from 2010 to the present are available on the channel, and are closed-captioned for the benefit of hearing-impaired viewers.