Chemical composition and protein quality comparisons of soybeans and soybean meals from five leading soybean-producing countries

Karr-Lilienthal, L. K., C. M. Grieshop, N. R. Merchen, D. C. Mahan, and G. C. Fahey, Jr. 2004. Chemical composition and protein quality comparisons of soybeans and soybean meals from five leading soybean-producing countries. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52:6193-6199. Link to full text (.pdf)


Take-home message:

  • Soybean meal amino acid and protein concentrations and KOH solubility increased with increased subjective evaluation of quality.
  • Total dietary fiber concentrations decreased with increased subjective evaluation of quality.
  • These data do not support comparisons of soy products from the five countries.