growing-finishing pigs

Effects of including two sources of copper hydroxychloride in diets for growing-finishing pigs

Recent research conducted at the University of Illinois Swine Research Center demonstrated positive effects of feeding copper hydroxychloride to weanling pigs, including improved growth performance and positive changes in intestinal health. It is, however, not known if copper hydroxychloride would also elicit positive effects in growing-finishing pigs. Additionally, it is also not known if the positive effects of copper hydroxychloride are obtained regardless of the origin of the mineral, or if the response is specific to the product produced by a specific supplier. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that inclusion of copper hydroxychloride in diets for growing-finishing pigs would improve growth performance, and secondly that the origin of the copper hydroxychloride is not important for the outcome.

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Effects of copper hydroxychloride and increasing concentrations of dietary fat on growth performance, total tract endogenous loss of fat, and apparent total tract digestibility of fat by growing pigs

Charmaine D. Espinosa, Robert Scott Fry, Matthew Kocher, Hans H. Stein. 2019. Effects of copper hydroxychloride and increasing concentrations of dietary fat on growth performance, total tract endogenous loss of fat, and apparent total tract digestibility of fat by growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 97, Issue Supplement_2, July 2019, Page 68. (Abstr.). Link to abstract.

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