In vitro digestibility

Arabinoxylan is the main polysaccharide in fiber from rice coproducts, and increased concentration of fiber decreases in vitro digestibility of dry matter

Casas Gloria A., Helle N. Lærke, Knud E. Bach Knudsen, Hans H. Stein. 2019. Arabinoxylan is the main polysaccharide in fiber from rice coproducts, and increased concentration of fiber decreases in vitro digestibility of dry matter. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 247: 255 - 261. Link to full text.

Analysis for low-molecular-weight carbohydrates is needed to account for all energy-contributing nutrients in some feed ingredients, but physical characteristics do not predict in vitro digestibility of dry matter

Navarro, D. M. D. L., E. M. A. M. Bruininx, L. de Jong, and H. H. Stein. 2018. Analysis for low-molecular-weight carbohydrates is needed to account for all energy-contributing nutrients in some feed ingredients, but physical characteristics do not predict in vitro digestibility of dry matter. J. Anim. Sci. 96:532-544. Link to full text

Effects of physicochemical characteristics on in vitro and in vivo nutrient digestibility in pigs

Navarro, D. M. D. L., E. M. A. M. Bruininx, L. de Jong, and H. H. Stein. 2017. Effects of physicochemical characteristics on in vitro and in vivo nutrient digestibility in pigs. Page 414 in Book of Abstracts of the 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Chemical composition and physicochemical characteristics of feed ingredients and effects on in vitro ileal and total tract digestibility of dry matter.

Navarro, D. M. D. L., E. M. A. M. Bruininx, L. de Jong, and H. H. Stein. 2017. Chemical composition and physicochemical characteristics of feed ingredients and effects on in vitro ileal and total tract digestibility of dry matter. J. Anim. Sci. 95(Suppl. 5):89-90 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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