
Digestible and metabolizable energy in soybean meal and soybean hulls when fed to growing pigs or sows

Values for digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) in feed ingredients are usually determined in growing pigs and subsequently applied to all groups of pigs. Results of recent research, however, indicate that the energy content of soybean meal (SBM) is greater than previously thought when fed to growing pigs. This increase in energy may be due to changes in the pigs themselves or differences in methodology, but there are no recent experiments assessing DE and ME in SBM when fed to sows. Therefore, it remains unclear if sows also have greater DE and ME in SBM compared with current book values. Likewise, there are no recent data for the DE and ME in soybean hulls although soybean hulls are often added to diets for gestating sows. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that gestating and lactating sows have greater DE and ME in SBM and soybean hulls than growing pigs and that DE and ME in SBM fed to both growing pigs and sows are greater than current book values. The second hypothesis was that there is no difference in apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE) and DE between gestating and lactating sows.

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True metabolizable energy, standardized amino acid digestibility, and digestibility of phosphorus in soybean expellers produced from conventional or high-oil varieties of soybeans fed to chickens

Cristobal, M., P. L. Utterback, H. H. Stein, C. M. Parsons. 2025. True metabolizable energy, standardized amino acid digestibility, and digestibility of phosphorus in soybean expellers produced from conventional or high-oil varieties of soybeans fed to chickens. Poultry Science 104 (2025) 104726. Link to full text.

Full-fat soybeans: Valuable source of energy, digestible P for pigs

Ruiz-Arias, N. C., S. A Lee, and H. H. Stein. 2024. Full-fat soybeans: Valuable source of energy, digestible P for pigs. National Hog Farmer. On-line edition. Oct. 31, 2024. Link to full text.


Determination of energy values in pistachio shell powder and soybean hulls fed to gestating and lactating sows

Kim, Yeonwoo, Su A. Lee, and Hans H. Stein. 2024. Determination of energy values in pistachio shell powder and soybean hulls fed to gestating and lactating sows. Translational Animal Science, 2024, 8, txae135. Link to full text.


Empirical validation of implementing high energy in soybean meal: soybean oil equivalence of soybean meal in diets fed to growing pigs

Ibagon, J. A., S. A. Lee, and H. H. Stein. 2024. Empirical validation of implementing high energy in soybean meal: soybean oil equivalence of soybean meal in diets fed to growing pigs. In: 75th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Florence, Italy, Sep. 1-5, 2024.

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Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and concentration of metabolizable energy in three sources of corn protein fed to weanling pigs

Ruiz-Arias, Nelson C., Su A Lee, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and concentration of metabolizable energy in three sources of corn protein fed to weanling pigs. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 94 - 95. Link to abstract.

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Concentrations of energy in pistachio shell powder fed to gestating sows and lactating sows

Kim, Yeonwoo, Su A Lee, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Concentrations of energy in pistachio shell powder fed to gestating sows and lactating sows. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 90 - 91. Link to abstract.

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Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and metabolizable energy in three sources of high-protein corn distillers dried grains fed to weanling pigs

Ruiz-Arias, N. C., S. A. Lee, H. H. Stein. 2024. Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and metabolizable energy in three sources of high-protein corn distillers dried grains fed to weanling pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 313, 115985. Link to full text.


Interactive effects of reducing particle size and extrusion on energy digestibility and concentrations of digestible energy and metabolizable energy in corn fed to young pigs

Particle size reduction in cereal grains often results in an improved digestibility of starch due to increased surface area of grains, which subsequently increases the interaction with digestive enzymes. Improvement in the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE) upon particle size reduction has also been demonstrated in corn and a number of other ingredients when fed to weanling or growing-finishing pigs.

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The Effect of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-Phytase Variant on Ileal Digestibility of Energy in Growing Pigs: Meta-Analysis of 4 Trials

Velayudhan, Deepak E., Ester Vinyeta-Punti, Rachael Hardy, Leon Marchal, Charles Martin Nyachoti, Hans H. Stein, Yueming Dersjant-Li. 2023. The Effect of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-Phytase Variant on Ileal Digestibility of Energy in Growing Pigs: Meta-Analysis of 4 Trials. J. Anim. Sci., Volume 101, Issue Supplement_2, November 2023, Pages 117–118, Link to abstract.

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Concentrations of Digestible and Metabolizable Energy, Ileal Digestibility of Amino Acids, and Digestibility of Phosphorus in a New Variety of Soybeans Fed to Growing Pigs

Cristobal, Minoy A., Carl M. M. Parsons, Hans H. Stein. 2023. Concentrations of Digestible and Metabolizable Energy, Ileal Digestibility of Amino Acids, and Digestibility of Phosphorus in a New Variety of Soybeans Fed to Growing Pigs. J. Anim. Sci. Volume 101, Issue Supplement 2, Pages 51 - 52, Link to abstract.

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Concentration of Digestible Energy in Corn-Based Diets Fed to Gestating and Lactating Sows is Increased by Adding Xylanase to the Diets

Acosta Medellin, Jessica P., Charmaine D. Espinosa, Gemma Gonzalez Ortiz, Hans H. Stein. 2023. Concentration of Digestible Energy in Corn-Based Diets Fed to Gestating and Lactating Sows is Increased by Adding Xylanase to the Diets. J. Anim. Sci., Volume 101, Issue Supplement 2, Pages 35–36, Link to abstract.

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Digestibility of energy by gestating and lactating sows and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in diets containing pistachio shell powder or soybean hulls

California is a leading producer of pistachios in the United States and globally and it is estimated that annual production will reach 2.08 billion pounds in 2031. As a result, about 31.2 million pounds of shells will be produced after the nuts are processed for human consumption. Pistachio shells have been viewed as a waste product and are frequently disposed of using ecologically friendly practices. However, it is possible that pistachio shell powder can be used as a high fiber ingredient for swine. Specifically, gestating sows may benefit from the high fiber concentration in pistachio shell powder because this may increase satiety and reduce stress. However, at this time, there is no information about the nutritional value of pistachio shell powder when fed to sows. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE) and concentrations of digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) in pistachio shell powder are not different from those in soybean hulls when fed to gestating sows. The second hypothesis was that the ATTD of GE and DE in pistachio shell powder are not different from those in soybean hulls when fed to lactating sows.

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Metabolizable energy and apparent total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients differ among samples of sunflower meal and sunflower expellers fed to growing pigs

Ibagon, Jimena A., Su A Lee, and Hans H. Stein. 2023. Metabolizable energy and apparent total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients differ among samples of sunflower meal and sunflower expellers fed to growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 101, 1–8. Link to full text.


Effects of corn hardness and drying temperature on digestibility of energy and nutrients in diets fed to growing pigs

Espinosa, Charmaine D., Joaquin Cabañas-Ojeda, Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón, and Hans H. Stein. 2023. Effects of corn hardness and drying temperature on digestibility of energy and nutrients in diets fed to growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 101: 1–9. Link to full text.

Exogenous xylanase increases digestibility of energy and fiber in diets for gestating and lactating sows

Exogenous enzymes may improve the fermentability of dietary fiber in swine diets by hydrolyzing non-starch polysaccharides into oligosaccharides and sugars. In particular, the enzyme xylanase hydrolyzes the β-(1-4) glycosidic bonds between the xylose units in the backbone of arabinoxylans in cereal grains and grain coproducts, resulting in the release of a combination of xylose, arabinose, and xylo-oligosaccharides from arabinoxylans that can be fermented by pigs. Previous data indicate that xylanase increased the degradation of dietary fiber and increased energy digestibility in diets for growing pigs; however, there are limited data for the impact of xylanase on energy and fiber digestibility in gestating and lactating sows. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that exogenous xylanase added to diets for gestating and lactating sows will increase the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy and total dietary fiber (TDF), and increase the concentrations of digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) during two reproductive cycles.

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Effects of different corn sources and drying temperature on digestibility of energy and total dietary fiber in diets fed to growing pigs

Drying temperatures and corn varieties that inherently differ in kernel hardness, virtuousness, and protein solubility index may influence nutrient digestibility in corn. However, information about interactive effects of corn source (i.e., endosperm hardness) and drying method on energy and nutrient digestibility is limited. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that that the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE) and total dietary fiber (TDF) is influenced by corn source and drying temperature.

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Effects of a mixture of xylanase and glucanase on digestibility of energy and dietary fiber in corn- or sorghum based diets fed to growing pigs

Oliveira, M. S. F., C. D. Espinosa, L. Blavi, M. Mortada, F. N. Almeida, H. H. Stein. 2022. Effects of a mixture of xylanase and glucanase on digestibility of energy and dietary fiber in corn- or sorghum based diets fed to growing pigs.

Digestibility of energy in ten sources of wheat middlings fed to growing pigs

Data have been published for the composition of wheat middlings from flour mills in the U.S. and data for digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) have been reported as well. However, it is not known if the data obtained in wheat middlings from the U.S. also are representative for wheat middlings in Europe. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to test the null hypothesis that there are no differences in composition, apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE), and concentration of DE and ME between wheat middlings sourced from flour mills in Europe and in the U.S.

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