
Microscopy and protein solubilization of digesta from pigs fed wheat, corn, or soybean meal-based diets, with or without protease and a Bacillus spp. direct-fed microbial

Payling Laura, Tofuko A. Woyengo, Mogens Nielsen, Hans H. Stein, Maria C. Walsh, Luis Romero, and Susan Arent, 2019. Microscopy and protein solubilization of digesta from pigs fed wheat, corn, or soybean meal-based diets, with or without protease and a Bacillus spp. direct-fed microbial. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2019. 247:183-193. Link to full text.

Effect of litter size and day of lactation on amino acid uptake by the porcine mammary glands

Nielsen, T. T., N. L. Trottier, H. H. Stein, C. Bellaver, and R. A. Easter. 2002. Effect of litter size and day of lactation on amino acid uptake by the porcine mammary glands. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 1):131 (Abstr.)

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Effect of litter size on mammary gland amino acid uptake in lactating sows

Nielsen, T. T., N. L. Trottier, C. Bellaver, H. H. Stein, and R. A. Easter. 1996. Effect of litter size on mammary gland amino acid uptake in lactating sows. Livestock Prod. Sci. 50:167-168 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effect of litter size on mammary gland amino acid uptake in lactating sows

Nielsen, T. T., N. L. Trottier, C. Bellaver, H. H. Stein, and R. A. Easter. 2002. Effect of litter size on mammary gland amino acid uptake in lactating sows. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2402-2411. Link to full text (.pdf)

Standardized ileal protein and amino acid digestibility by growing pigs and sows

Stein, H. H., S. W. Kim, T. T. Nielsen, R. A. Easter. 2001. Standardized ileal protein and amino acid digestibility by growing pigs and sows. J. Anim. Sci. 79:2113-2122. Link to full text (.pdf)
