
Digestible and metabolizable energy in soybean meal and soybean hulls when fed to growing pigs or sows

Values for digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) in feed ingredients are usually determined in growing pigs and subsequently applied to all groups of pigs. Results of recent research, however, indicate that the energy content of soybean meal (SBM) is greater than previously thought when fed to growing pigs. This increase in energy may be due to changes in the pigs themselves or differences in methodology, but there are no recent experiments assessing DE and ME in SBM when fed to sows. Therefore, it remains unclear if sows also have greater DE and ME in SBM compared with current book values. Likewise, there are no recent data for the DE and ME in soybean hulls although soybean hulls are often added to diets for gestating sows. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that gestating and lactating sows have greater DE and ME in SBM and soybean hulls than growing pigs and that DE and ME in SBM fed to both growing pigs and sows are greater than current book values. The second hypothesis was that there is no difference in apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE) and DE between gestating and lactating sows.

Publication Type: 

Digestibility of calcium in calcium carbonate varies among origins, but is increased by microbial phytase regardless of origin

Nelson, Megan E., Su A Lee, Carrie L. Walk, April Zhang, Heng-Xiao Zhai, Hans H. Stein. 2025. Digestibility of calcium in calcium carbonate varies among origins, but is increased by microbial phytase regardless of origin. Animal Feed Science and Technology 320 (2025) 116230. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2025.116230 Link to full text.


True metabolizable energy, standardized amino acid digestibility, and digestibility of phosphorus in soybean expellers produced from conventional or high-oil varieties of soybeans fed to chickens

Cristobal, M., P. L. Utterback, H. H. Stein, C. M. Parsons. 2025. True metabolizable energy, standardized amino acid digestibility, and digestibility of phosphorus in soybean expellers produced from conventional or high-oil varieties of soybeans fed to chickens. Poultry Science 104 (2025) 104726.  doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2024.104726 Link to full text.

The digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) in eggs and egg-containing breakfast meals is greater than in toast breads or hash browns served without eggs

Fanelli, Natalia S., Juliana C. F. R. Martins, and Hans H. Stein. 2024. The digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) in eggs and egg-containing breakfast meals is greater than in toast breads or hash browns served without eggs. Journal of Nutritional Science (2024), vol. 13, e68, page 1 of 11. doi:10.1017/jns.2024.71. Link to full text.


Determination of energy values in pistachio shell powder and soybean hulls fed to gestating and lactating sows

Kim, Yeonwoo, Su A. Lee, and Hans H. Stein. 2024. Determination of energy values in pistachio shell powder and soybean hulls fed to gestating and lactating sows. Translational Animal Science, 2024, 8, txae135. doi.org/10.1093/tas/txae135 Link to full text.


Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in canola meal fed to gestating or lactating sows without or with a multi-enzyme complex

Velayudhan, Deepak E., Manik M. Hossain, Jinyoung Lee, Hans H. Stein, Charles Martin Nyachoti. 2024. Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in canola meal fed to gestating or lactating sows without or with a multi-enzyme complex. Animal Feed Science and Technology 316 (2024) 116068. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2024.116068.

Pork cuts, hams, and sausages have digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) close to or over 100

Fanelli, Natalia S., Juliana C. F. R. Martins, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Pork cuts, hams, and sausages have digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) close to or over 100. JSFA Reports. 2024;4:326–335. DOI: 10.1002/jsf2.215 Link to full text.


The pig is an excellent model to determine amino acid digestibility of human foods and to generate data needed to meet human amino acid requirements

Stein, Hans H. 2024. The pig is an excellent model to determine amino acid digestibility of human foods and to generate data needed to meet human amino acid requirements. Front. Nutr. 11:1434430. DOI 10.3389/fnut.2024.1434430 Link to full text.


Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) in pork products

Florencio Ravagnani Martins, Juliana Carolina, Natalia Dos Santos Fanelli, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) in pork products. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 273 - 274. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skae102.311. Link to abstract.

Publication Type: 

Effects of source of calcium carbonate and microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of calcium by growing pigs

Nelson, Megan E., Su A Lee, Carrie Walk, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Effects of source of calcium carbonate and microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of calcium by growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 158 - 159. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skae102.175 Link to abstract.

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Anchor Talk: Accounting for effects of microbial phytase on digestibility of calcium and phosphorus

Stein, Hans H. 2024. Anchor Talk: Accounting for effects of microbial phytase on digestibility of calcium and phosphorus. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 154. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skae102.170 Link to abstract.

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Effects of increasing dietary protein concentration on digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs

Lee, Su A, Hans H Stein. 2024. Effects of increasing dietary protein concentration on digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 92 - 93. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skae102.104 Link to abstract.

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Effects of xylanase or a stimbiotic on growth performance and total tract digestibility of nutrients by pigs weaned from sows fed a lactation diet without or with xylanase

Acosta, Jessica P., Gemma Gonzalez Ortiz, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Effects of xylanase or a stimbiotic on growth performance and total tract digestibility of nutrients by pigs weaned from sows fed a lactation diet without or with xylanase. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 87 - 88. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skae102.099 Link to abstract.

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What impact does a Stimbiotic have on digestibility when fed to weanling pigs

Acosta, J. P., and H. H. Stein. 2024. What impact does a Stimbiotic have on digestibility when fed to weanling pigs. National Hog Farmer. On-line edition. May 30, 2024. Link to full text.


Effects of different protein sources in low-phosphorus diets on calculated basal endogenous loss of phosphorus by growing pigs

Nelson, M. E., S. A. Lee, H. H. Stein. 2024. Effects of different protein sources in low-phosphorus diets on calculated basal endogenous loss of phosphorus by growing pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 310, 115927, doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2024.115927 Link to full text.


Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and metabolizable energy in three sources of high-protein corn distillers dried grains fed to weanling pigs

Ruiz-Arias, N. C., S. A. Lee, H. H. Stein. 2024. Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and metabolizable energy in three sources of high-protein corn distillers dried grains fed to weanling pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 313, 115985. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2024.115985 Link to full text.


Effects of increasing dietary protein on standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in diets fed to growing pigs

Apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of amino acids (AA) is affected by dietary AA levels because of different contributions of endogenous AA to the ileal digesta from pigs fed diets with different levels of AA. Because of the influence of dietary protein and AA on calculated values for AID, values for AID obtained in individual feed ingredients are not always additive in mixed diets. Therefore, values for standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA, which are corrected for the basal ileal endogenous losses of AA, are used in diet formulations to avoid the influence of endogenous AA on digestibility values, and SID values are, therefore, additive in mixed diets.

When the direct procedure is used to determine AA digestibility, diets containing cereal grains are sometimes formulated to contain AA below the requirement. In contrast, if the SID of oilseed meals or other protein-rich ingredients are determined, concentrations of AA may be at or above the requirement. Because the influence of the basal endogenous losses of AA is eliminated in the calculations of SID values, it is assumed that values for SID are not influenced by dietary concentrations of AA. However, to our knowledge this hypothesis has not been experimentally verified, but it is an important question because it may influence how diets used in digestibility experiments are formulated. Therefore, four experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the SID of AA by growing pigs is not influenced by dietary AA levels.

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Influence of a novel phytase on Ca and P digestibility in diets fed to sows in late-gestation and lactation

Espinosa Charmaine D., Leidy J. Torres-Mendoza, Jonathan R. Bergstrom, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Influence of a novel phytase on Ca and P digestibility in diets fed to sows in late-gestation and lactation. Animal Feed Science and Technology 309 (2024) 115906. doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2024.115906. Link to full text.
