
The Effect of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-Phytase Variant on Ileal Digestibility of Energy in Growing Pigs: Meta-Analysis of 4 Trials

Velayudhan, Deepak E., Ester Vinyeta-Punti, Rachael Hardy, Leon Marchal, Charles Martin Nyachoti, Hans H. Stein, Yueming Dersjant-Li. 2023. The Effect of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-Phytase Variant on Ileal Digestibility of Energy in Growing Pigs: Meta-Analysis of 4 Trials. J. Anim. Sci., Volume 101, Issue Supplement_2, November 2023, Pages 117–118, Link to abstract.

Publication Type: 

Effect of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant on inositol hexa-phosphate degradation profile in growing pigs.

Velayudhan, D., T. Christensen, S. Knudsen, L. Marchal, Y. Dersjant-Li, and H. H. Stein. 2022. Effect of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant on inositol hexa-phosphate degradation profile in growing pigs. 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs. Animal - Science Proceedings 13(Issue 2): 180. Link to abstract.

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Effects of Phosphorus Level and Increasing Phytase Dose on Basal Endogenous Loss of Calcium and Balance of Phosphorus in Pigs Fed Diets Containing Phytate P at Commercial Levels

Nelson, M. E., Su A Lee, Y. Dersjant-Li, D. Velayudhan, J. C. Remus, H. H. Stein. 2022. Effects of Phosphorus Level and Increasing Phytase Dose on Basal Endogenous Loss of Calcium and Balance of Phosphorus in Pigs Fed Diets Containing Phytate P at Commercial Levels. J. Anim. Sci. 100(Suppl. 2): 165–166.

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Effect of Increasing Levels of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-Phytase Variant on Ileal and Total Tract Digestibility of Nutrients in Diets Fed to Young Pigs.

Espinosa, C. D., D. Velayudhan, Y. Dersjant-Li, and H. H. Stein. 2022. Effect of Increasing Levels of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-Phytase Variant on Ileal and Total Tract Digestibility of Nutrients in Diets Fed to Young Pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 100(Suppl.2): 34–35. Link to Abstr.

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Effect of phytase on mineral digestibility and growth performance of pigs fed diets with pharmacological levels of Zn

Espinosa, C. D., D. Velayudhan, Y. Dersjant-Li, J. Remus, H. H. Stein. 2021. Effect of phytase on mineral digestibility and growth performance of pigs fed diets with pharmacological levels of Zn. J. Anim. Sci. 99(Suppl. S3): 400-401. Link to abstract.

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Influence of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant on mineral digestibility and bone ash in young growing pigs fed diets with different concentrations of phytate-bound phosphorus

Espinosa, Charmaine D., Maryane S. F. Oliveira, Deepak E. Velayudhan, Yueming Dersjant-Li, Hans H. Stein. 2021. Influence of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant on mineral digestibility and bone ash in young growing pigs fed diets with different concentrations of phytate-bound phosphorus. Journal of Animal Science, 2021, Vol. 99, No. 8, 1–12.

Effect of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-phytase Variant on Mineral Digestibility and Bone Ash in Young Growing Pigs Fed Diets with Different Concentrations of Phytate

Espinosa, C. D., D. E. Velayudhan, Y. Dersjant-Li, and H. H. Stein. 2021. Effect of a Novel Consensus Bacterial 6-phytase Variant on Mineral Digestibility and Bone Ash in Young Growing Pigs Fed Diets with Different Concentrations of Phytate. J. Anim. Sci. 99(Suppl. 1): 45–46, Link to Abstract.

Publication Type: 

Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in canola meal fed to gestating and lactating sows

Velayudhan, Deepak Ettungapladi , Manik M. Hossain, Hans H. Stein, and C. Martin Nyachoti. 2019. Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in canola meal fed to gestating and lactating sows. Journal of Animal Science, 2019, 4219–4226. Link to full text.