Feed ingredients

Digestibility and Availability of Nutrients in Feed Ingredients

Lee, S. A., and H. H. Stein. 2022. Digestibility and Availability of Nutrients in Feed Ingredients. L. I. Chiba, editor, Sustainable Swine Nutrition. 2nd rev. ed. doi:10.1002/9781119583998.ch19. Link to full text.

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Analyzed values for P and phytate in feed ingredients

Phytic acid is the main storage of P in plants, and most P in plant feed ingredients is bound in the phytate complex. Because pigs do not secrete phytase, an enzyme to hydrolyze inositol bonds in phytate, the utilization of P by pigs is very low. Addition of supplemental phytase to diets thus results in release of P and increases P utilization by pigs. However, all enzymes have a special recognition mechanism called specificity that works only with molecules that fit to active sites of the enzyme. Therefore, it is important to know how much of P is phytate-bound and how much of the P in a given diet is not phytate-bound.

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Impact of formaldehyde addition to spray-dried plasma on functional parameters and animal performance

Campbell Joy M., Joe D. Crenshaw, Javier Polo, Dillon Mellick, Mark Bienhoff, and Hans H. Stein. 2019. Impact of formaldehyde addition to spray-dried plasma on functional parameters and animal performance. Transl. Anim. Sci. 2019.3:654–661. Link to full text

Structures and characteristics of carbohydrates in diets fed to pigs: a review

Navarro Diego M. D. L., Jerubella J. Abelilla, and Hans H. Stein. 2019. Structures and characteristics of carbohydrates in diets fed to pigs: a review. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2019, 10:39. Link to full text.


Crystalline amino acids in diets do not influence calculated values for amino acid digestibility in feed ingredients fed to pigs

Oliveira, S. F. M., J. J. Abelilla, K. J. Htoo, and H. H. Stein. 2018. Crystalline amino acids in diets do not influence calculated values for amino acid digestibility in feed ingredients fed to pigs. 14th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs. Adv. Anim. Biosci. Volume 9, Issue S2, 9:S71. (Abstr.). Link to abstract

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