
Effects of virginiamycin on microbial ecology in ileal digesta and feces of growing pigs

M. Song, L. L. Stewart, J. Barnes, B. R. Gramm, R. D. Nimmo, H. H. Stein, J. E. Pettigrew. 2008. Effects of virginiamycin on microbial ecology in ileal digesta and feces of growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 2):53-54 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effect of virginiamycin on apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs

L. L. Stewart, B. G. Kim, B. R. Gramm, R. D. Nimmo, and H. H. Stein. 2008. Effect of virginiamycin on apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 2):46 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effects of an in-feed antibiotic on the morphology of the porcine small intestine

Rayadurg, V., D. H. Zeman, M. B. Hildreth, and H. H. Stein. 2002. Effects of an in-feed antibiotic on the morphology of the porcine small intestine. J. Anim. Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1):391 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Nucleotides in nutrition: The importance in infant and childhood diets

Stein H. H., and C. D. Mateo, 2005. Nucleotides in nutrition: The importance in infant and childhood diets. Page 147-150 in Lyons, T. P., and J. K. Jacques, (Eds.) Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries. Proc. Alltech's 21th Annual Symp., Lexington, KY.  Link to full text (.pdf)

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Alternative strategies to antibiotic growth promoters in diets for swine

 Stein, H. H., 2004. Alternative strategies to antibiotic growth promoters in diets for swine. Page 169-178 in Kim, Y. Y., Ed. Advanced Livestock Production in Korea for New Era.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Nucleotides and young animal health: Can we enhance intestinal tract development and immune function?

Mateo, C. D., and H. H. Stein. 2004. Nucleotides and young animal health: Can we enhance intestinal tract development and immune function? Page 159-168 in Lyons, T. P., and J. K. Jacques, (Eds.) Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries. Proc. Alltech's 20th Annual Symp., Lexington, KY.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Use of biotechnology and feed additives.

Easter, R. A., H. H. Stein, and N. L. Trottier, 1993. Use of biotechnology and feed additives. In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Nitrogen Flow in Pig Production and Environmental Consequences, Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 8-11, 1993. Link to full text (.pdf)

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Feeding the pig's immune system

Stein, H. H. 2008. Feeding the pig's immune system. Porkworld (Brazil). 46:209-212. Link to full text (.pdf)


The future of using antibiotics in livestock feeding

Stein, H. H. 2002. The future of using antibiotics in livestock feeding. In: South Dakota State University Swine Research Reports, p. 185-186. Link to full text (.pdf)


Reduced use of antibiotic growth promoters in diets fed to weanling pigs: Dietary tools, part 2

Stein, H. H., and D. Y. Kil. 2006. Reduced use of antibiotic growth promoters in diets fed to weanling pigs: Dietary tools, part 2. Anim. Biotechnol. 17:217-231. Link to full text (.pdf)


Experience of feeding pigs without antibiotics - a European perspective

Stein, H. H. 2002. Experience of Feeding Pigs Without Antibiotics - a European perspective. Anim. Biotechnol, 13:85-95. Link to full text (.pdf)
