
Effect of soy isoflavones and extra nitrogen on growth performance in low-protein diets fed to growing pigs

Soybean meal (SBM) is the primary source of amino acids (AA) and energy in diets for swine throughout the world. However, less SBM is often used in diets to decrease nitrogen excretion and environmental pollution. Nonetheless, it is demonstrated that lowering dietary protein does not consistently deliver the same performance of pigs as of pigs fed high protein diets, even though all indispensable AA meet the requirements of pigs. It is possible that soybean-derived bioactive compounds (i.e., soy isoflavones and saponins) in SBM act as immunomodulators, which improve the performance of pigs. It is also possible that low-protein diets contain nitrogen below the requirements for pigs to maximize growth. However, no data are available to prove this hypothesis. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to test the hypothesis that reducing the dietary protein by decreasing the SBM and increasing crystalline AA in diets may have influence growth performance, carcass composition, and meat quality and that soy isoflavones act as immunomodulators, which may improve the immune system and thus results in better performance of pigs fed low-protein diets.

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Can soy isoflavones, extra nitrogen improve the immune system in growing pigs?

Ibagon, J. A., S. A Lee, and H. H. Stein. 2025. Can soy isoflavones, extra nitrogen improve the immune system in growing pigs? National Hog Farmer. On-line edition. Jan. 30, 2025. Link to full text.


Effect of feeding intact protein from soybean meal instead of synthetic amino acids on energy and nitrogen balance by growing pigs

Synthetic amino acids (AA) are often included in diets fed to pigs at the expense of SBM or other protein sources to provide a portion of the indispensable AA needed by pigs. Substituting SBM for synthetic AA may support pig growth performance, but daily N retention by pigs may be reduced if diets containing synthetic AA instead of some of the SBM are used. This indicates that there may either be an AA deficiency in diets with synthetic AA, or there are factors other than AA in SBM that are needed to maximize protein synthesis in pigs.

It has been speculated that synthetic AA are absorbed more rapidly than AA from intact protein, which may impair protein synthesis. It is, therefore, possible that if protein from SBM is replaced by synthetic AA, some of the synthetic AA will not be used for protein synthesis, which will result in reduced nitrogen retention by the pigs. Results of recent research also indicate that the DE in SBM is greater than in corn, and therefore, dietary DE may be reduced if SBM is reduced in the diet. However, at this time, no research has been conducted to confirm this assumption. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to test the hypothesis that use of synthetic AA instead of some of the intact protein from SBM reduces N retention and also reduces DE of the diet if fed to growing pigs.

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Effect of feeding intact protein from soybean meal instead of crystalline amino acids on energy and nitrogen balance by growing pigs

Cristobal, Minoy, Su A Lee, Leidy J. Torres-Mendoza, Andrea P. Mallea, Carl M. M. Parsons, Hans H. Stein. 2024. Effect of feeding intact protein from soybean meal instead of crystalline amino acids on energy and nitrogen balance by growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 102, Suppl. S2. P 283 - 284. Link to abstract.

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Nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy, standardized amino acid digestibility, and digestibility of phosphorus in a new variety of soybeans fed to chickens

The improvement of yield or oil content in soybean seeds, mainly through genetic modification, has often resulted in a decrease in protein concentration. However, a new genetic technology patented as Photoseed was used to develop a new variety of soybeans. By modifying genes involved in biosynthesis and storage of lipids, it was possible to increase the accumulation of lipid droplets and increase carbon capture. This resulted in soybeans that contain more oil, without negatively affecting crude protein concentration, compared with conventional soybeans. There is, however, no information about the nutritional value of the soybean meal produced from the Photoseed variety of soybeans. Therefore, the objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy (TMEn), standardized amino acid (AA) digestibility, and apparent ileal P digestibility are not different in a soybean expeller (SBE) produced from a new variety of Photoseed soybeans compared with SBE produced from conventional soybeans.  

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Effect of stage of lactation on colostrum and milk composition in multiparous sows

Mateo, C. D., H. H. Stein, M. R. Smiricky-Tjardes, and D. N. Peters. 2003. Effect of stage of lactation on colostrum and milk composition in multiparous sows. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 2):67 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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