
Use of feed technology to improve the nutritional value of feed ingredients

Rojas, O. J. and H. H. Stein. 2015. Use of feed technology to improve the nutritional value of feed ingredients. Page 23 in Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia, October 26-28, 2015. (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effects of pelleting and extrusion on energy digestibility in pig diets containing different levels of fiber

Rojas, O. J., E. Vinyeta, and H. H. Stein. 2015. Effects of pelleting and extrusion on energy digestibility in pig diets containing different levels of fiber. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. s3):227-228 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effects of chemical, physical, or enzymatic treatments on concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy and on ATTD of energy, organic matter, and detergent fiber in distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs

Rojas, O. J. and H. H. Stein. 2015. Effects of chemical, physical, or enzymatic treatments on concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy and on apparent total tract digestibility of energy, organic matter, and detergent fiber in distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. 2):135 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effects of extrusion of corn and oats on the digestibility of energy and nutrients in diets fed to pigs

Liu, Y., O. J. Rojas, and H. H. Stein. 2015. Effects of extrusion of corn and oats on the digestibility of energy and nutrients in diets fed to pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. 2):134-135 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Use of feed technology to improve the nutritional value of feed ingredients feed to pigs

Rojas, O. J. and H. H. Stein. 2015. Use of feed technology to improve the nutritional value of feed ingredients fed to pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. 2):61 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Effects of extrusion and pelleting on energy and nutrient digestibility in diets fed to pigs

Rojas, O. J. 2014. Effects of extrusion and pelleting on energy and nutrient digestibility in diets fed to pigs. Page 159 in XXX Curso de Especializacion FEDNA, Madrid, November 5-6, 2014. (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effects of pelleting and extrusion on energy and nutrient digestibility in diets fed to pigs

Pelleting and extrusion are technologies that have been used in livestock feeding to improve nutrient digestibility and feed conversion. Recent research concluded that reduced performance of pigs fed diets containing high concentrations of fiber was ameliorated if the diets were pelleted. Extrusion is also of benefit in high fiber diets, because it may increase the solubility of dietary fiber. It is possible that the benefits of extrusion and pelleting are greater in high fiber diets than in low fiber diets, but this hypothesis has not been investigated. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to determine effects of extrusion and pelleting on energy and nutrient digestibility in diets containing low, medium, or high concentrations of fiber.

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Effects of extrusion of corn and oats on the digestibility of energy, crude protein, and fiber in diets fed to pigs

In extrusion, cereal grains are processed under conditions of heat and pressure. Like other types of heat treatment, extrusion may reduce the concentration of antinutritional factors. Extrusion also gelatinizes starch, improving its digestibility. Improved digestibility of starch should, in turn, lead to an increase in digestible energy. Extrusion has also been shown in some studies to solubilize the insoluble fraction of the fiber which would also increase fiber digestibility and digestible energy.

Corn is a high starch ingredient, while oats are high in fiber. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of extruding corn and oats on the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of energy and fiber when fed to growing pigs.

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Effects of including raw or extruded field peas (Pisum sativum L.) in diets fed to weanling pigs

Stein, H. H., D. N. Peters, and B. G. Kim. 2010. Effects of including raw or extruded field peas (Pisum sativum L.) in diets fed to weanling pigs. J. Sci. Food Agric. 90:1429-1436. Link to full text (.pdf)


The effects of thermal treatment of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) on nutrient and energy digestibility by growing pigs

Stein, H. H. and R. A. Bohlke. 2007. The effects of thermal treatment of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) on nutrient and energy digestibility by growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1424-1431. Link to full text (.pdf)

