Calcium digestibility

Digestibility of calcium in calcium-containing ingredients and requirements for digestible calcium by growing pigs

Lee, Su A, L. Vanessa Lagos, Laura A. Merriman, and Hans H. Stein. 2023. Digestibility of calcium in calcium-containing ingredients and requirements for digestible calcium by growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 101, 1–13. Link to full text.


The level of feed intake does not influence digestibility of calcium and phosphorus in diets fed to gestating sows, but gestating sows have reduced digestibility of calcium and phosphorus compared with growing gilts

Lee, S. A., G. A. Casas, and H. H. Stein. 2018. The level of feed intake does not influence digestibility of calcium and phosphorus in diets fed to gestating sows, but gestating sows have reduced digestibility of calcium and phosphorus compared with growing gilts. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 98:591-594. Link to abstract


Effects of a novel phytase on growth performance, bone measurements, and Ca and P digestibility in diets fed to growing pigs

Blavi, L., J. N. Broomhead, and H. H. Stein. 2018. Effects of a novel phytase on growth performance, bone measurements, and Ca and P digestibility in diets fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 96(Suppl. 2):163 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Comparative digestibility and retention of calcium and phosphorus by gestating sows and growing pigs fed low- and high-phytate diets without or with microbial phytase

Lee, S. A., C. L. Walk, and H. H. Stein. 2018. Comparative digestibility and retention of calcium and phosphorus by gestating sows and growing pigs fed low- and high-phytate diets without or with microbial phytase. J. Anim. Sci. 96(Suppl. 2):83 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effects of Calmin on energy, calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen balance and on growth performance of weanling pigs

Calmin is a calcium supplement produced from sea minerals. It also contains 6% magnesium, which may increase calcium absorption. Calmin has been used as a rumen buffer in dairy cows, but limited data are available for pigs. Therefore, two experiments were conducted to test the effect of feeding diets containing Calmin on calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen balance, energy balance, and growth performance of weanling pigs.

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Procedures for determining digestibility of amino acids, lipids, starch, fibre, phosphorus, and calcium in feed ingredients fed to pigs

Stein, H. H. 2017. Procedures for determining digestibility of amino acids, lipids, starch, fibre, phosphorus, and calcium in feed ingredients fed to pigs. Anim. Prod. Sci. 57:2317-2324. Link to abstract


Effects of zinc oxide and microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in maize-based diets fed to growing pigs

Blavi, L., D. Solà-Oriol, J. F. Pérez, and H. H. Stein. 2017. Effects of zinc oxide and microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in maize-based diets fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 95(Suppl. 5):85 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effects of zinc oxide and microbial phytase on digestibility of calcium and phosphorus in maize-based diets fed to growing pigs

Blavi, L., D. Sola-Oriol, J. F. Pérez, and H. H. Stein. 2017. Effects of zinc oxide and microbial phytase on digestibility of calcium and phosphorus in maize-based diets fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 95:847-854. Link to full text (.pdf)

Requirement for digestible calcium by 25 to 50 kg pigs at different dietary concentrations of phosphorus as indicated by growth performance, bone ash concentration, and calcium and phosphorus balances

González-Vega, J. C., C. L. Walk, M. R. Murphy, and H. H. Stein. 2016. Requirement for digestible calcium by 25 to 50 kg pigs at different dietary concentrations of phosphorus as indicated by growth performance, bone ash concentration, and calcium and phosphorus balances. J. Anim. Sci. 94:5272-5285. Link to full text (.pdf)

Establishing a digestible calcium requirement for pigs

Stein, H. H., L. A. Merriman, and J. C. González-Vega. 2016. Establishing a digestible calcium requirement for pigs. Pages 207-216 in Phytate destruction—consequences for precision animal nutrition. Walk, C. L., ed. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands. Link to full text 

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Digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients and requirements of digestible calcium for growing pigs

González-Vega, J. C. and H. H. Stein. 2016. Digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients and requirements of digestible calcium for growing pigs. Anim. Prod. Sci. 56:1339-1344. Link to full text (.pdf)

Effects of tallow, choice white grease, palm oil, corn oil, or soybean oil on apparent total tract digestibility of minerals in diets fed to growing pigs

Merriman, L. A., C. L. Walk, C. M. Parsons, and H. H. Stein. 2016. Effects of tallow, choice white grease, palm oil, corn oil, or soybean oil on apparent total tract digestibility of minerals in diets fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 94:4231-4238. Link to full text (.pdf)


Particle size of calcium carbonate does not affect apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium, retention of calcium, or growth performance of growing pigs

Merriman, L. A. and H. H. Stein. 2016. Particle size of calcium carbonate does not affect apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium, retention of calcium, or growth performance of growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 94:3844-3850. Link to full text (.pdf)


Effects of zinc oxide and microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in diets fed to growing pigs

Zinc oxide, when added to weanling pig diets in pharmacological quantities of up to 2,500 mg/kg, can help prevent diarrhea during the post-weaning period. However, adding large quantities of zinc to diets has drawbacks. Zinc can interfere with calcium digestibility because it competes for the same transport pathway in cells lining the small intestine. Zinc may also reduce calcium digestibility by forming complexes with calcium and phytate.

The standardized total tract digestibility (STTD) of calcium in various ingredients has only recently been determined, and possible interactions between zinc and phytase on the STTD of calcium have not yet been reported. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to determine the effects of addition of zinc oxide and microbial phytase on STTD of calcium in diets fed to weanling pigs.

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Calcium digestibility and requirements for digestible calcium by growing pigs

González-Vega, J. C., L. M. Merriman, and H. H. Stein. Calcium digestibility and requirements for digestible calcium by growing pigs. Pages 57-61 in Proc. Midwest Swine Nutr. Conf. Indianapolis, IN, Sep. 9, 2016. Link to full text (.pdf)

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Effects of microbial phytase on the apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in milk co-products fed to growing pigs

Milk co-products are used in pig diets to provide lactose and, in some cases, high quality protein. In addition, milk co-products also provide calcium to the diets. However, this calcium can potentially bind to the phytate contained in the plant ingredients in the diets, which would reduce its digestibility.

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Effects of microbial phytase on the apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in milk co-products fed to growing pigs

She, Y., D. Li, and H. H. Stein. 2016. Effects of microbial phytase on the apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in milk co-products fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 5):436-437 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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The effect of microbial phytase on the apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients of animal origin

Merriman, L. A., C. L. Walk, and H. H. Stein. 2016. The effect of microbial phytase on the apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients of animal origin. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2):110 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Effect of fat sources on ATTD of minerals

Merriman, L. A., C. L. Walk, and H. H. Stein. 2016. Effect of fat sources on ATTD of minerals. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2):104 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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Digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients and requirements of digestible calcium for weanling pigs

González-Vega, J. C. and H. H. Stein. 2015. Digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients and requirements of digestible calcium for weanling pigs. Page 31 in Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia, October 26-28, 2015. (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

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