Field peas

Assessment of the feeding value of South Dakota grown field peas for growing pigs

Stein, H. H., R. A. Bohlke, V. Rayadurg, D. Peters, and R. C. Thaler. 2002. Assessment of the feeding value of South Dakota grown field peas for growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2):63 (Abstr.) Link to abstract (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Alternative grain sources in diets fed to pigs

Stein, H. H. 2009. Alternative grain sources in diets fed to pigs. Pages 163-179 in Proc. Retos Y Elternativas Para La Production Animal Tropical. Ensminger School, February 11-13, 2009, San Jose, Costa Rica. Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Formulating diets to reproducing and growing pigs using field peas

Stein, H. H. 2006. Formulating diets to reproducing and growing pigs using field peas. P 43-49 in Proc. 2nd joint meeting of the MPA of ND and NDPC. Fargo, ND, November 28-29, 2006. Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Swine digestibility of energy and nutrients in field peas

Stein, H. H. 2006. Swine digestibility of energy and nutrients in field peas. P. 38-42 in Proc. 2nd joint meeting of the MPA of ND and NDPC. Fargo, ND, November 28-29, 2006.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Feeding field peas to market pigs had only minimal effects on carcass composition, meat quality, or cooked pork palatability

Everts, A. K. R., H. H. Stein, D. N. Peters, C. Pedersen, K. K. Sweeter, D. M. Wulf, and R. J. Maddock. 2005. Feeding field peas to market pigs had only minimal effects on carcass composition, meat quality, or cooked pork palatability.  Proc. 51st Intl. Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Aug. 7-12. Baltimore MD.

Publication Type: 

Field peas in diets fed to swine

Stein. H. H. 2006. Field peas in diets fed to swine. Extension Bulletin. South Dakota State University. Link to full text (.pdf)


Using South Dakota grown field peas in swine diets

Thaler, R. A., and H. H. Stein. 2003. Using South Dakota grown field peas in swine diets. Extension Extra 2041, South Dakota State University. Link to full text (.pdf)


Field Peas can be included in the diets for nursery pigs

Stein, H. H. 2002. Field Peas can be included in the diets for nursery pigs. In: South Dakota State University Swine Research Reports, p. 28-30.


The effect of including field peas in diets for growing-finishing pigs

Stein, H. H. 2002. The effect of including field peas in diets for growing-finishing pigs. In: South Dakota State University Swine Research Reports, p. 82-85.


The effects of thermal treatment of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) on nutrient and energy digestibility by growing pigs

Stein, H. H. and R. A. Bohlke. 2007. The effects of thermal treatment of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) on nutrient and energy digestibility by growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1424-1431. Link to full text (.pdf)


Apparent and true total tract digestibility of phosphorus in field peas (Pisum sativum L.) by growing pigs

Stein, H. H., M. G. Boersma, and C. Pedersen. 2006. Apparent and true total tract digestibility of phosphorus in field peas (Pisum sativum L.) by growing pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 85:523-525. Link to full text (.pdf)


The influence of dietary field peas (Pisum sativum L.) on pig performance, carcass quality, and the palatability of pork

Stein, H. H., A. K. R. Everts, K. K. Sweeter, D. N. Peters, R. J. Maddock, D. M. Wulf, and C. Pedersen. 2006. The influence of dietary field peas (Pisum sativum L.) on pig performance, carcass quality, and the palatability of pork. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3110-3117. Link to full text (.pdf)

Assessment of the feeding value of South Dakota-grown field peas (Pisum sativum L.) for growing pigs

Stein, H. H., G. Benzoni, R. A. Bohlke, and D. N. Peters. 2004. Assessment of the feeding value of South Dakota-grown field peas (Pisum sativum L.) for growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2568-2578. Link to full text (.pdf)

