
Alternative strategies to antibiotic growth promoters in diets for swine

 Stein, H. H., 2004. Alternative strategies to antibiotic growth promoters in diets for swine. Page 169-178 in Kim, Y. Y., Ed. Advanced Livestock Production in Korea for New Era.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Nucleotides and young animal health: Can we enhance intestinal tract development and immune function?

Mateo, C. D., and H. H. Stein. 2004. Nucleotides and young animal health: Can we enhance intestinal tract development and immune function? Page 159-168 in Lyons, T. P., and J. K. Jacques, (Eds.) Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries. Proc. Alltech's 20th Annual Symp., Lexington, KY.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Digestible amino acids: Determination and use

Stein, H. H. 2003. Digestible amino acids: Determination and use. Page 231-257 in Proc. 64th Minnesota Nutr. Conf.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Comparative amino acid digestibilities in adult sows and growing pigs

Stein, H. H., 1997. Comparative amino acid digestibilities in adult sows and growing pigs. In: Proc. of Swine Summit '97. p. 74-79. Heartland Lysine Inc., Chicago, IL USA.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Endogenous secretions of proteins and amino acids in pregnant and lactating sows

Stein, H. H. and R. A. Easter, 1997. Endogenous secretions of proteins and amino acids in pregnant and lactating sows. In: J. P. LaPlace, C. Fevrier, and A. Barbeau (ED). Digestive physiology in pigs. EAAP publ. No 88. p. 321-324. St. Malo, France.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

The effects of adding spray dried plasma protein and spray dried blood cells to starter diets for pigs

Stein, H. H., 1996. The effects of adding spray dried plasma protein and spray dried blood cells to starter diets for pigs. In: Proc. Anais do Simposio Latino- Americano de Nutricao de Suinos e Aves, May 7-8, Campinas, Brazil.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Why do we overfeed pigs?

Easter, R. A. and H. H. Stein, 1995. Why do we overfeed pigs? In Proc. Pork Industry Conference, Nov. 9-10, Champaign, IL. Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Feeding the swine breeding herd

Stein, H. H., 1995. Feeding the swine breeding herd. In (Ed.: M. E. Ensminger): Libros De Discursos De La Escuela Agrotecnica International En Cuba 1995, Clovis, Ca.

Publication Type: 

The effects of adding Turbozyme 160 to starter diets for pigs

Easter, R. A. and H. H. Stein, 1995. The effects of adding Turbozyme 160 to starter diets for pigs. In Proc. Preconf. Symp. CFIA Eastern Nutrition Conference, May 18, Quebec, Canada.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Growth management for optimum appeal of pork

Stein, H. H. and R. A. Easter, 1993. Growth management for optimum appeal of pork. In: Proceedings from The Annual Meeting in the American Feed Industry Association. St. Louis, MO.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Use of distillers co-products in diets fed to swine.

Stein, H. H. 2008. Use of distillers co-products in diets fed to swine. Pages 79 - 97 in Using Distillers Grains in the US and International Livestock and Poultry Industries. Babcock, B. A., D. J. Hayes, and J. D. Lawrence, ed. Midwest Agribusiness Trade and Information Center, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.  Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Nutritional properties and feeding values of soybeans and their co-products.

Stein, H. H., L. L. Berger, J. K. Drackley, G. C. Fahey, Jr., D. C. Hernot, and C. M. Parsons. 2008. Nutritional properties and feeding values of soybeans and their co-products. Pages 613 - 660 in Soybeans, Chemistry, Production, Processing, and Utilization. Johnson, L. A., P. J. White, and R. Galloway, ed. AOCS Press, Urbana IL. Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

Use of biotechnology and feed additives.

Easter, R. A., H. H. Stein, and N. L. Trottier, 1993. Use of biotechnology and feed additives. In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Nitrogen Flow in Pig Production and Environmental Consequences, Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 8-11, 1993. Link to full text (.pdf)

Publication Type: 

La alimentacion del Ganado porcino con DDGS

Stein, H. H. 2008. La alimentacion del Ganado porcino con DDGS. Albeitar, No. 120, November, 2008, pages 10-13. Link to full text


Feeding the pig's immune system

Stein, H. H. 2008. Feeding the pig's immune system. Porkworld (Brazil). 46:209-212. Link to full text (.pdf)


Leave a few open nursery pens

Stein, H. H. 2008. Leave a few open nursery pens. Pork Magazine, May issue, 22-23. Link to full text (.pdf)


Weaning large litters

Stein, H. H. 2008. Weaning large litters. Pork Magazine, January issue, 24-25. Link to full text (.pdf)


Using DDGS in swine diets

Stein, H. H. 2007. Using DDGS in swine diets. Asian Feed Business, Vol. 14, May-June issue: 38-41.


Recommendations on feeding DDGS to swine

Stein, H. H. 2007. Recommendations on feeding DDGS to swine. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Swine News, Vol. 30(1):1-4. Link to full text (.pdf)

