Peer-reviewed journal articles

Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing spray-dried bovine plasma or hydrolyzed spray-dried bovine plasma

Espinosa, C. D., J. M. Campbell, H. H. Stein. 2022. Growth performance of weanling pigs fed diets containing spray-dried bovine plasma or hydrolyzed spray-dried bovine plasma. Animal Feed Science and Technology 294 (2022) 115500. Link to full text.


Apparent digestibility of energy and nutrients and efficiency of microbial phytase is influenced by body weight of pigs

Lagos, L. Vanessa, Mike R. Bedford, and Hans H. Stein. 2022. Apparent digestibility of energy and nutrients and efficiency of microbial phytase is influenced by body weight of pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 2022, 100, 1–13. Link to full text.

Effects of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH-D3) and 1-hydroxycholecalciferol (1-OH-D3) on serum bone biomarkers and calcium and phosphorus balance and concentrations of energy in diets without or with microbial phytase fed to sows in late gestation

Lee, Su A , Leidy J. Torres-Mendoza, and Hans H. Stein1. 2022. Effects of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH-D3) and 1-hydroxycholecalciferol (1-OH-D3) on serum bone biomarkers and calcium and phosphorus balance and concentrations of energy in diets without or with microbial phytase fed to sows in late gestation. Journal of Animal Science, 2022, 100, 1–8.

Microbial phytase reduces basal endogenous loss of calcium in pigs fed diets containing phytate phosphorus at commercial levels

Nelson, Megan E., Su A Lee, Yueming Dersjant-Li, Janet Remus, and Hans H. Stein. 2022. Microbial phytase reduces basal endogenous loss of calcium in pigs fed diets containing phytate phosphorus at commercial levels. Journal of Animal Science, 2022, 100, 1–7. Link to full text.

How copper can impact pig growth: comparing the effect of copper sulfate and monovalent copper oxide on oxidative status, inflammation, gene abundance, and microbial modulation as potential mechanisms of action

Forouzandeh, Asal, Laia Blavi, Jose Francisco Pérez, Matilde D’Angelo, Francesc González-Solé, Alessandra Monteiro, Hans H. Stein, and David Solà-Oriol. 2022. How copper can impact pig growth: comparing the effect of copper sulfate and monovalent copper oxide on oxidative status, inflammation, gene abundance, and microbial modulation as potential mechanisms of action. J. of Anim. Sci. 2022, 100, 1–12.

Apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids by pigs is not affected by increasing dietary calcium from deficient to excess concentrations, but phosphorus digestibility is reduced

Lee, Su A, H. H. Stein. 2022. Apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids by pigs is not affected by increasing dietary calcium from deficient to excess concentrations, but phosphorus digestibility is reduced. Animal Feed Science and Technology 292 (2022) 115436. Link to full text.


Comparison of True Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility between Adult Humans and Growing Pigs

Hodgkinson, Suzanne M., Natascha Stroebinger, Nikkie van der Wielen, Marco Mensink, Carlos Montoya, Wouter H. Hendriks, Sonja de Vries, Hans H. Stein, and Paul J. Moughan. 2022. Comparison of True Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility between Adult Humans and Growing Pigs. J. Nutr. 2022;152:1635–1646.

Comparative digestibility of energy, dry matter, and nutrients by gestating and lactating sows fed corn–soybean meal diets without or with full-fat or defatted rice bran

Casas, Gloria A., Maryane S.F. Oliveira, Charmaine D. Espinosa, and H.H. Stein. 2022. Comparative digestibility of energy, dry matter, and nutrients by gestating and lactating sows fed corn–soybean meal diets without or with full-fat or defatted rice bran. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 102: 401–405 (2022)

Metabolizable energy in corn is greater than in hybrid rye when fed to gestating sows, but exogenous enzymes did not increase energy digestibility

McGhee, Molly L., and Hans H. Stein. 2022. Metabolizable energy in corn is greater than in hybrid rye when fed to gestating sows, but exogenous enzymes did not increase energy digestibility. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 102: 392–395 (2022) Link to full text.


Effects of dietary levels of calcium, phosphorus, and 1-alphahydroxycholecalciferol on digestibility, retention of calcium and phosphorus, and concentration of metabolizable energy in diets fed to sows in late-gestation

Lee, Su A., and Hans H. Stein. 2022. Effects of dietary levels of calcium, phosphorus, and 1-alphahydroxycholecalciferol on digestibility, retention of calcium and phosphorus, and concentration of  metabolizable energy in diets fed to sows in late-gestation. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 102: 184–188 (2022) Link to full text.


Shiitake mycelium fermentation improves digestibility, nutritional value, flavor and functionality of plant proteins

Clark, Anthony J., Bhupendra K. Soni, Brendan Sharkey, Terry Acree, Edward Lavin, Hannah M. Bailey, Hans H. Stein, Ashley Han, Marc Elie, Marina Nadal. 2022. Shiitake mycelium fermentation improves digestibility, nutritional value, flavor and functionality of plant proteins. LWT - Food Science and Technology 156 (2022) 113065.

Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in bakery meal fed to pigs and effects of bakery meal on growth performance of weanling pigs

Luciano, A., C. D. Espinosa, L. Pinotti, H. H. Stein. 2022. Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in bakery meal fed to pigs and effects of bakery meal on growth performance of weanling pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 284: 115148.

Enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of soy flour to produce ethanol and soy protein concentrate with increased polyphenols

Agrawal, Ruchir M., Michael J. Miller, Vijay Singh, Hans H. Stein, Pawan S. Takhar. 2022. Enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of soy flour to produce ethanol and soy protein concentrate with increased polyphenols. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc.: 1–13. DOI: 10.1002/aocs.12573. Link to full text .

Effects of dietary leucine and tryptophan on serotonin metabolism and growth performance of growing pigs

Kwon, Woong B., Jose A. Soto, and Hans H. Stein. 2022. Effects of dietary leucine and tryptophan on serotonin metabolism and growth performance of growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 100, 1–10. Link to full text. 


High inclusion rates of hybrid rye instead of corn in diets for growing-finishing pigs do not influence the overall growth performance and most carcass traits are not influenced by hybrid rye

McGhee, Molly L., Bailey N. Harsh, and Hans H. Stein. 2021. High inclusion rates of hybrid rye instead of corn in diets for growing-finishing pigs do not influence the overall growth performance and most carcass traits are not influenced by hybrid rye. J. Anim. Sci. 99: 12, 1–8. Link to full text.

Increased microbial phytase increased phytate destruction, plasma inositol, and feed efficiency of weanling pigs, but reduced dietary calcium and phosphorus did not affect gastric pH or fecal score and reduced growth performance and bone ash

Lagos, L. Vanessa, Mike R. Bedford, and Hans H. Stein. 2021. Increased microbial phytase increased phytate destruction, plasma inositol, and feed efficiency of weanling pigs, but reduced dietary calcium and phosphorus did not affect gastric pH or fecal score and reduced growth performance and bone ash. J. Anim. Sci. 99: 12, 1-13.


Long-term steam conditioning is needed to maximize the nutritional value of expander-processed soybean expellers

Espinosa, Charmaine D., Maryane S. F. Oliveira, Joseph R. Limbach, Natalia S. Fanelli, Markus K. Wiltafsky-Martin, and Hans H. Stein. 2021. Long-term steam conditioning is needed to maximize the nutritional value of expander-processed soybean expellers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 101: 704–714 (2021) Link to full text.

A Salute to PVT TIM HiLL: Indispensable Amino Acids and Global Human Health

Berg, Eric P., and Hans H. Stein. 2021. A Salute to PVT TIM HiLL: Indispensable Amino Acids and Global Human Health. Meat and Muscle Biology 2021.5(3): 4, 1–10. doi:10.22175/mmb.12925. Link to full text.


Inclusion of hybrid rye in diets for weanling pigs does not compromise daily gain, but may reduce diarrhea incidence despite pigs having preference for consuming corn over hybrid rye

McGhee, M. L., H. H. Stein. 2021. Inclusion of hybrid rye in diets for weanling pigs does not compromise daily gain, but may reduce diarrhea incidence despite pigs having preference for consuming corn over hybrid rye. Animal Feed Science and Technology 281 (2021) 115113.


Digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) is greater in animal‑based burgers than in plant‑based burgers if determined in pigs

Fanelli, Natalia S., Hannah M. Bailey, Tyler W. Thompson, Robert Delmore, Mahesh Narayanan Nair, Hans H. Stein. 2021. Digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) is greater in animal‑based burgers than in plant‑based burgers if determined in pigs. European Journal of Nutrition
